Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life is like a Box of Chocolate

Keeping to one of my new years resolution here is another entry =)

Today was a fabulous day... and why wouldnt it be seeing that it is the first Wednesday of the new year and we all should know that Wednesdays are my favourite day of the week.

My week has been going great other than the fact that this jet leg is kicking me in the ass... I mean last time I didn't feel any jetlag but I think its because last time I was so nervous and everything was so new I was forced to settle in, where as this time everything is normal and ordinary and thus jetlag is kicking me in the ass. But I think that its getting better... I am now sleeping at night but I just tired all the time, and im sure this weekend won't help because its back to another busy adventure weekend with Rita again.

Anyways back to my day today Livy didn't go to school this morning because she had a meeting at a private school they are applying to. (They are sending her to private school next year if she gets accepted and they have applied to two: Forest and Bancroft) So today at 11 she had her Bancroft appointment. Note: Private schools here cost average 10,000 pounds a year thats around 20,000$ a year and because shes 6 she has 10 more years of school left... all of which will be at private school! HOLLA HIGH ROLLA So that was an excited thing today, seeing that anything that is out of the ordinary is exciting to us haha. Then today in my Year One class I got a box of chocolates for Christmas but since I wasn't there the last day of school I got them today! It was a very nice surprise :)

Crazy playground story: The other day I was walking around the playground holding hands and having a conversation with Ivy (a cute girl in my class who has long blonde hair and blue eyes) and she asked me "why do we go to school?" and I said "we go to school to learn and become smart" and her response was "BUT IM A GIRL, GIRLS AREN'T SMART"! I was shocked shes 5 and how the heck did she get that idea... so I asked her... and her spacecadet answer was "only boys are smart because they dont have hair" haha THE END

The icing on the cake of why today was so good was because Livy has football tonight and she FINALLY won the game trophy!!! She has come home so many times crushed because she has tried her hardest and hasn't gotten it and today SHE GOT IT and I was sooo proud <3

All and All = GREAT DAY + I have my Online Date tonight lol thats actually why Wednesdays are my favourite day ever!

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