Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to Life - Back to Reality


Hello Everyone,

Before I start I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a great holiday with their family and friends!

My visit home was super busy and super fun... thank you very much to everyone who had a chance to hang out with me and I'm sorry that my time with each of you was def. shorter than I wanted but not to worry I shall be home for good in no time.

In true Jenn fashion, tons of stuff went wrong with my flight haha... After Ashley dropped me off that the airport (thanks again!) I went to register for my spot on the plane, which I paid for 2 months ago and they said because they OVER BOOKED the flight lucky me was put on STANDBY. OMG can you just imagine the mood I was in after leaving my family, friends and Daniel and then to find out that because AIR CANADA sucks I might not even get on the flight I have paid around 500$ to be on! BUT at least luck looked my way and a spot had opened up for me. Next my flight that was super to leave at 8:40pm didn't end up taking off till 10:30... did i mention I hate international flying. I arrived at my England home at 1:00 and was greeted with a GREAT BIG HUG from Olivia and Bell and it was soo nice. I had thought that they may have reverted back to their bad behaviour when I was gone but Livy is still acting fabulously and it made me so happy because then I started thinking that when I leave for good in July that she will stay a good person, which at first I was a little sceptical of. Before I had left for Christmas Sara had invited me to the family trip to watch Pantimime so we went to that at 5:00 and for a childrens play it didnt get over till 8, I was dying by then end of it. I finally got to bed at 9:00pm and was awake for 30hrs straight!

Im actually excited to be back, while I didnt really think about my girls that much because I was so busy but I def. missed them when I saw them so its nice to be back and be able to hang out with them again. The difference between my two homes its when I'm away from here I dont really miss it even though I love Issy and Livy but when I'm away from Canada I DEFINATELY MISS PEOPLE :(

But... I'm excited for all that is to come and see and I know come August I will be ready to go home and start my life <3

PS. my new years resolution is to no NEGLECT my blog hahaha so if I start to slack keep me on the ball!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

glad to see you are back safe and sound jenn!