Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Weekend

Rita and I had a very romantic london weekend, which was needed to minimize the fact that I was missing Daniel uncontrollable this weekend. So the cure to being emo is keeping busy so you don't have time to be emo, and boy did we succeed at keeping busy.

Saturday was a sunny day so we started it off with a trip to Greenwich, went market hoping and then decided to tick off a to-do item by getting fish and chips in NEWSPAPER! Yes, i've only lived here for 6 months and I just got my first newspaper experience, and it was FABULOUS except for the state my stomach was in afterwards haha but it was totally worth it! From Greenwich we went to Covent Garden for some browsing. I've come to realized that my favourite busker is located in Covent Garden, it think ive always known this but I just put two and two together this weekend. He is very talented, and I even looked if he had a CD but he didn't, but it made me realized that I'm gonna go for dinner at a resturant around him and sit on their patio so I can actually enjoy his talents without hoovering around him like a tourist, because WERE NOT TOURIST!

From there we headed over to Tower Hill, because we had tickets to go and share champange on the towerbridge for our Valentines date. Yes, it was full of couples and this didn't help my longing but the top part of the towerbridge isn't always open so it was an opportunity we couldnt pass up.

Rita and I standing in line to go up the Tower Bridge

We didnt have tickets till 9:30 so we were planning on getting dinner and drinks before hand. So we found this cute sports bar and we bought a bottle of wine (compliments of Mrs. Reda for a Valentines day treat). We were havent a blast and just about to order food, when the bartender came over to chat, he had just finished work so him and his buddy were heading to another pub that had live acoustic music (a canadian guy was performing), so they invited us for a drink. We ended up going with them, they were nice, not forward and just were chatting, and the Canadian was actually really GOOD! But when it was time to leave they gave us there card and we left, and headed off to continue our DATE, thanks boys but it wasn't about to become a double date! So we were able to be ontop of the Tower Bridge for an hour, and the view was amazing, and they had a live band and everything up there. It was actually the first time i've enjoyed champange too, now I dont know if this is because it was a classy brand or if it was just because I was already drunk at this point haha but none the less it was yummy! Rita and I even got a token to remember it by, they had one of those penny press machines like they have at Disneyland so we both got a penny with the towerbridge one it!

Rita and I at our romantic Italian dinner
After the Tower Bridge we were both hungry because we skipped food to go to the other bar, so we headed to Leicester Square to find dinner. In our nature we went to an Italian resturant and shared pizza and pasta. Its funny that when you have two girls spending Valentines Day it turns out far more romantic than it would if you had done it with a boy. By the time dinner was done we had missed the tube and had to take the night bus home, oh night buses are always an adventure. And like any good night it ended with us both passing out on eachother on the way home!

Sunday we continued the romance, with lunch and a movie date. Its funny the things you crave when you don't have them accessable. I ordered a hamburger because Dan had mentioned them on the phone and I was jealous. We went to see "Hes just not that into you" and it was a horrible idea to do when your lonely on valentines day hahaha I left it an emo mess. It was an okay movie but I have decided that I am not going to watch girly, emo films unless I can leave them with Dan or when I can go and see him after to avoid a night of drepression. But meh, i'm over it and my emo status has left... and IM GOING TO BUDAPEST FRIDAY MORNING!

Like I said before its mid-term for Livy so we have been hanging out more, they just got bunkbeds and are loving it. I'll try to post before I head to Budapest about the week but if not I'll have tons of stories when I return!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone,
Love from Jenn and London

1 comment:

Dina said...

I just saw that movie last night, haha...I can understand why you would have left feeling a little emo! I thought it was pretty cute though! Dave even liked it too...what a surprise!
Hope you're not feeling emo today! I miss spending emo times with you, haha (also the good, fun times I guess, lol).