Friday, February 13, 2009


hello everyone its ME again haha, I love entertaining myself on this blog!

Strangly enough i haven't written about my thrusday night in this blog yet, i think its because i always write after a weekend so thursdays have been forgotten. BUT no longer will i push them aside because they deserve the spotlight for once.

Every thursday is our nanny night... we started as a group for 4 girls going to the local pub and now there are about 12 of us who will get together thursdays trying out new pubs. We have yet have all 12 at the same time because everyone has different things going on but none the less its great. Its actually crazy how many people are au pairs in our surrounding area... and all the credit goes out to Matilda for branching out and meeting them! Last night there were 7 of us and shockingly I was the oldest... it was funny after they had already served me TWICE on the third round they decided to ID me. Since it was a small bar (and i was kinda drunk) I said to her, your ID me now, after you've already served me twice haha and we shared a laugh, it as obvious her boss got her in trouble because he was standing right behind her... and then he decided to ask me for my ID too! I WASNT EVEN ACTING DRUNK OR ANYTHING... so shes like its okie its 86, its just from America and I said no CANADA!

Its Livys term break again next week so we have lots of exciting things planned and then Budapest is FRIDAY!

Hope you all get lots of love and hugs and kisses on Saturday <3 <3 <3 wish I could be the one giving them!

Have a good Family too!

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