Althought Budapest doesn't naturally pop into your head when you think of Europe it is a spot that I would definately tell people not to miss out on. It had def. giving Barcalona a run for its top spot of favourite places... it was such a relaxed and beautiful city, and our adventures begins!

Since it was Livys break I was able to get Friday off so we booked a flight for 6:55am, which althought sounds horrible it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Rita slept over here and we caught the night bus at 2:30am, but our driver was quite possibly one of the nicest strangers I have ever met and he helped us find a safe way to where we had to be. Anyways we got to Budapest at about 10:00 and check into our hostel. Our hostel was very chill we shared a room with 7 other girls so it was super busy but they were all nice, shockingly enough 2 of them were from Canada: BRANTFORD and Hamliton... what a small world eh! Since Friday was sunny we decided to go to the Castle District this day incase that the sun left us Saturday. The Castle District is on top of this mountain and if you didnt guess it, it has a castle! The castle has now been turned into different government buildings but it was still beautiful. Here was also Fishermans Bastion a sort of look out where you could see the entire city (my favourite, see picture!) Althought you couldnt go into the castle you could go under it into the Laberyth which was 1200m of underground caves... and we did! We had fun exploring down there and getting lost. The lack of sleep caught up with us and we took a nap Friday, but then got up to head to a Turkish Bath. We found one that was open from 10 - 4am so we set out for it at about 11. Of course us being us we got lost... but we found this beautiful mountain with stairs, bridges and monuments on it, so we climbed up about half way and then headed back down to find the bath. The Turkish bath was beautiful, a little to hot for me but that was ok because there were 5 different baths in total with different heats so I went into a smaller one, and ended up falling alseep shortly in it, so relaxing! We left at about 2 and headed back to the hostel for bed.

Saturday we woke up relatively early to score a free breakfast from the hostel... WAS NOT WORTH IT, worst free breakfast ever but thats okay we made up for it at the Great Market Hall with fresh pastries. We started our day off here, it was two floors of glory hahaha the first floor was ALL FOOD... fresh fruit, pastries, meat, spicies, everything basically and the second floor was all market items. From there we headed back to where we went the night before to take pictures during the day and to find St. Stephens Basilica. After mistaking it for a different church we lucky stumbled upon it, on our walk to Parliment. But by the time we reached Parliment after stopping to shop (i bought a new jacket for 8 quid!) but it was closed for the day so we planned to head back Sunday. From here is where we found The Altair Teahouse... probably one of the coolest establishments I've been too. I loved it hahaha it was so chill and the tea was so good, I was actually able to buy some and bring it back with me! It was set up like a treehouse with many different little floors, low ceilings and ladders. There were beanbag chairs to sit up with low tables, very cool. Rita and I enjoyed tea and played cards. From here we went for our second dinner in a pub close to the hostel. We were the only ones in it but the food was so yummy... food in Budapest is soo cheap we got apps, a meal and drinks for around 10 quid each! After dinner we headed to the hostel for our dance party (ie. to shower and listen to her ipod loudly). We were planning on using the hostels hooka but it was broken so we just headed out on our own mini pubcrawl, we were going to head to another area but there were tons of pubs around us we just stayed locally because there tube closes at 11:30... Ballocks!

Since we missed Parliment Saturday we made sure we caught the English tour Parliment offered on Sunday. It was the first thing we did and I found it very interesting, not only was the building phenominal with hand painted windows, marble columns etc., but the process and stories behind building it were very neat too. For example the hand painted windows were made during WWII but the artisted didn't want them destroyed so he hid them in the cellar but he was killed in the war so nobody knew where they were and it was an accident that someone found them and then they put them up, and with the money they spent on Parliment a town for 40,000 people in Hungary could have been built, and lastly they have everything in Parliment: hairdressers, dentist, spas ... everything. Anyways ya it was cool! From there we went to City Park where Heroes Court and a castle were. Heroes court is the largest square in Budapest and its a war memorial. From there we went back to the centre of Budapest for a while then ended the trip with another vist to Altair Teahouse for tea and a hooka this time!
One of my Favourite Trips to Date!
(sorry this was so long)
1 comment:
Sounds like FUN! Loved the pictures!
Crazy that you ran into 2 girls who were so local! What a small world!
Question....what does "artisted" mean? Haha. I never (or almost) never comment on the spelling errors, but I laughed out loud. You know its why I love you so!
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