WHERE BACK... and boy did we have some ADVENTURES hahaha oh I love how cheesy i can make these blogs, I actually LOVE it!
I will start you off with a few scenic pictures.

This is ME, standing in the cold infront of the gate!

Rita and I were so lucky we just stombled across this, its the Berlin Dome and we didnt even know it existed =S
We stayed at a hostel called Hostel4Youth and it was in a great location and it was more like a Hotel. Even thought we booked 2 beds in a 4 bedroom room we ended up getting our own room with 3 beds and our own bathroom, which was very nice. It was located right by the tube line and it had some really good resturants and convience stores around it that came into great use. Friday night we got there at around 11:30 and then once we settled in we went out for a walk and discovered the BEST EVER italian resturant that had the BEST EVER pizza for 2.70 EUROS and so we had pizza and cocktails before heading to bed. We got up bright and early Saturday to enjoy our FREE breakfast and we headed to Berlins oldest church St.-Marien-Kirche and we found the Berlin Dome as well!

From there we went to the East Side Gallery which is a section of the Berlin wall that has had famous graffiti artists come in from all over the world to paint it. I LOVED THIS, it was my favourite spot I think... Although it was restored in 2000 it has still be weathered off is sections and there are holes and everything in the wall... althought its sad that its begining to deteriorate I enjoyed the feel of it. Rita and I even found stores that sold peices of it and so we each came home with pieces of the wall! It was a very nice walk from the beginning to the end. From there we tubed to a concentration camp, which had 13 barracks 11 of which were in their original form. We were disappointed in the sense that we couldnt get a tour because you had to book them early and even then they were in German, and also the museum aspect of it was all in German so we could only look at the picture =( but none the less I wouldnt have skipped it. On Saturday we were just on the ball we were able to get a lot done, we also saw Unter den Linden the gate, parliment and Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas a jewish memorial.
Saturday night we went out for dinner and were planning on going on a pubcrawl because Adrian and Cat suggested it, but when we showed up to the meet up point it was very sketchy and it looked more like a bunch of 16yr olds who had nothing to do so they were hanging out on public stairs listening to a boombox and drinking.... so we skipped that crown and found our own bars to go to! We spend most of our time at a bar that was on the top floor of a resturant and they DJ was amazing... we wished he worked at a club in London. I love how much fun Rita and I can have all by ourselves (HEART)! And of course we couldnt end the night without food so we went back to the Italian resturant and got another PIZZA! it was LOVE.
Sunday we went to Schloss Charlottenburg a famous Palace it was HUGE obviously it was a palace. With our entrance fee we got a audio tape tour which in the past thought were stupid but I LOVED IT, it was a nice way of learning a lot but still being able to do what you wanted. In the past we've only done guided tours but my ADD kicks in and ya so the audio tour was fabulous. From there we went to Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz the house were the Final Solution was created. This museum was so well put together, it started from the very beginning and talked about how Hitler got into power and ended with how the trials. In the room where the meeting was were the original documents from then, started from the invitations to the meeting and what was finalized at the meeting. From then we went back to the hostel to get our stuff and head home... little did we know what was in store!
The timeline of our night...
9:55pm - our flight was suppose to leave Berlin
10:15pm - we left Berlin
10: 30pm - we were told that our airport (Stansted) was closed, so we were flying into Gatwick
11:00pm - we leaded at Gatwick
11:pm- we loaded off the plane and noticed the 1inch of snow on the grow (below picture)
12:00am - our shuttle bus into the airport was finally there, we were told a bus would come to take us to Stansted in 1hour
4:00am - our bus came
6:00am - we got to Stansted
6:30am - we caught our bus to Stratford Tube station
8:30am - got to Stratford
9:00am - we got home
hahaha just thought you'd enjoy that timeline as much as WE DID... oh ya and we were suppose to be at Stansted originally by 10:40pm, but our 1inch snowstorm changed that.

Anyways, the girls school/nursary has been closed for the last two days because there was a total of 6inchs of snow hahaha love it the UK has no idea what snow is. But its fun, today we went out and played in it... and they had never done that really. Livy didnt even know what Snowpants were, or how to make a snowball!
Hope the weather there is nice!