Hello Everyone!
I write to you today without knowing if this will be my last blog post of not. The family is out and I have spend my morning packing up my final bits and pieces. I am half in shock and half functioning to get everything in order that needs to be done before I head out on vacation next thrusday. Every time I force myself to be proactive I end up stopping and having mini freak out sessions. I am ever so excited to say hello to everyone but it will be very sad to say goodbyes as well. I wrote my cards to Matildas girls and Olivia yesterday and I found myself crying because although a few months back I wanted nothing more than to leave Olivia, over the last month we have really truely become friends and I feel very horrible about leaving her - I know its not abandonment but that is what it feels like to me. I am also paranoid that I will return to Canada and kick myself in the ass for not doing something one last time but Rita and I are doing everything we can to make sure that doesnt happen this weekend. Getting ready for vacation can be stressful but packing up life and getting ready for vacation and saying goodbyes are all a lot for me to handle right now. I have three more days with the girls and since school is out they are 12 + hour days so Im excited for that, but I am equally dreading Wednesday. After today all my buisness will be in order, I will have closed down my bank account, printed off my tickets and oraganized rides so I am organized and physically prepared but its the mentally aspect that has been challenging me. Im neverous I am going to cry infront on the girls and I dont want that happen... I have told them both now that Im leaving and asked Livy to help Bell understand but I dont want her to think that I've just disappeared. You have seen what is going on in my head, well the worries anyways and Im assuming you all know what Im excited about hahaha SEEING YOU!!!
I cant wait in estatic - but it sucks that the goodbyes have to come first :(
If I dont write again, Ill see you all in THREE WEEKS <3
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Love for Jeff
sorry its a day late - but its not my fault your birthday ended up on a weekend, dont preceive my tardiness as a lack of love (at least its not a week early... right kyle!)
sorry i couldnt be there - that is a common sentence out of my mouth this year, but i do what i can from here
I hope your enjoy your birthday edition of blog posts (note: its getting harder and harder to keep the creative juices flowing)

Jeff Decleir is a dear friend of mine,
word of the street is he looking super fine.
I tried calling you on the phone,
but you weren't home.
Now my love must be expressed on here,
because it can't be put off till next year.
So here we go...
What I want the world to know!
Ive shared many memories with you,
mostly good but a few bad ones too.
I miss your garbage man pants,
and ALMOST seeing the elephant man dance.
I practically lived with you at the stead,
its a wonder how no one ended up dead.
There were fights all the time,
but everyones friendships stayed in line.
But not to say I havent learnt a few things about our clique,
Like poker + jenn + jeff + drunk dont mix!
Sorry I wasnt there to slap your ass 23 times,
or molest you and commit a crime! (OF LOVE)
So what I want to say is happy birthday mate,
See you August 9th... its a DATE!
sorry its a day late - but its not my fault your birthday ended up on a weekend, dont preceive my tardiness as a lack of love (at least its not a week early... right kyle!)
sorry i couldnt be there - that is a common sentence out of my mouth this year, but i do what i can from here
I hope your enjoy your birthday edition of blog posts (note: its getting harder and harder to keep the creative juices flowing)
Jeff Decleir is a dear friend of mine,
word of the street is he looking super fine.
I tried calling you on the phone,
but you weren't home.
Now my love must be expressed on here,
because it can't be put off till next year.
So here we go...
What I want the world to know!
Ive shared many memories with you,
mostly good but a few bad ones too.
I miss your garbage man pants,
and ALMOST seeing the elephant man dance.
I practically lived with you at the stead,
its a wonder how no one ended up dead.
There were fights all the time,
but everyones friendships stayed in line.
But not to say I havent learnt a few things about our clique,
Like poker + jenn + jeff + drunk dont mix!
Sorry I wasnt there to slap your ass 23 times,
or molest you and commit a crime! (OF LOVE)
So what I want to say is happy birthday mate,
See you August 9th... its a DATE!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Plage
This weekend while my home friends were off on the third annual Stead Camping trip my entire friend circle here was hit with the plage. Otherwise known as the common house flu. But Ive become sennsible since Ive moved to London - see at home I'd get on with it, go out party and end up catching the flu myself. BUT since Im here and Im leaving for VACA in less than 2 weeks I DIDNT WANT TO FLU so i suffered in person exile this weekend - for the most part, but I found a few new friends along the way.
Friday however was a good time, It was Nadjas 20th birthday so Matilda and I along with EIGHT other Sweds hit that up. Needless to say I found myself lost on occasion amist there language. But I stood my ground and forced them to speck English. It was funny after being there for about 5 minutes one of the them was like wait your not British... Ive just noticed that! I personally dont think I sound British, but I used to catch myself saying things and words that were "British" but now Dad and Dan and other point it out and I dont even notice that its come out... Matilda even said I said Toronto differently last week hahaha so I wonder if you all will notice. Im assuming you will and then ill get called out on in and it will get annoying so Ill force myself to loss it but I kinda dont want to - I enjoy having a splash on Brit in my vocab!
Saturday was a write off - we thought Rita had Swine but she just had a regular flu, and then Matilda had it too and Kylie is in Australia so my main friends that I out source from were down for the count so I stayed aroundng home and went shoppig a little. And this is where i got the idea for new friends... ie., Harry, Ron and Heromine! Matilda, Sheena (her host mom) and family invited me to see Harry Potter 6 with them thrusday so I had to do some catching up. Ive seen them all but scattered through out the years so I watched 1 - 4 and still have to catch 5 before thrusday and Im ready to go!
Sunday Matilda was feeling a bit better so we went out for lunch because I was going CRAZY in my room. Then we went to see My Sister Keeper - such a sad movie but the book is better. Id suggest anyone who liked the movie to read the book!
I cant believe its my last full week of work, and its funny that it has still yet to be mentioned by Sara at all. I guess come Wednesday Ill just say bye as I walk out to door... we shall see!
Friday however was a good time, It was Nadjas 20th birthday so Matilda and I along with EIGHT other Sweds hit that up. Needless to say I found myself lost on occasion amist there language. But I stood my ground and forced them to speck English. It was funny after being there for about 5 minutes one of the them was like wait your not British... Ive just noticed that! I personally dont think I sound British, but I used to catch myself saying things and words that were "British" but now Dad and Dan and other point it out and I dont even notice that its come out... Matilda even said I said Toronto differently last week hahaha so I wonder if you all will notice. Im assuming you will and then ill get called out on in and it will get annoying so Ill force myself to loss it but I kinda dont want to - I enjoy having a splash on Brit in my vocab!
Saturday was a write off - we thought Rita had Swine but she just had a regular flu, and then Matilda had it too and Kylie is in Australia so my main friends that I out source from were down for the count so I stayed aroundng home and went shoppig a little. And this is where i got the idea for new friends... ie., Harry, Ron and Heromine! Matilda, Sheena (her host mom) and family invited me to see Harry Potter 6 with them thrusday so I had to do some catching up. Ive seen them all but scattered through out the years so I watched 1 - 4 and still have to catch 5 before thrusday and Im ready to go!
Sunday Matilda was feeling a bit better so we went out for lunch because I was going CRAZY in my room. Then we went to see My Sister Keeper - such a sad movie but the book is better. Id suggest anyone who liked the movie to read the book!
I cant believe its my last full week of work, and its funny that it has still yet to be mentioned by Sara at all. I guess come Wednesday Ill just say bye as I walk out to door... we shall see!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Lets the Festivities Continue

Canada Day in Traflger Sqaure was THE BEST!!!
It was packed with tons of people - mostly Canadians but tons of other people just joining in the celebrations. Matilda, Rita and I went and on the tube ride to the party I took the opportunity to teach Matilda the words to O'Canada and I must say she was a brillant student and even joined in singing the atheme at the end of the night! It was sweet we were able to bring in our own alcohol but just no glass container so I was double fisting with two large plastic cups of wine and I didnt like having two so needless to say I was drunk quickly to eliminate the need to carry around cups lol. It was fabulous met people from Windor, Toronto, Vancover, Dundas all over the place. I met this one bloke who lent me his Canada flag (see photo above) and I was rockin that for a while! Great night, after it ended at 10 we went to Convent Gardens and listen to a busker in the square until it was time to head home! BEST CANADA TO DATE <3
Now on to this weekend, the sun stuck with us and is still shining bright despite what the weather man has been saying for the last 5 days!
Saturday Rita and I started our day early with a visit to Borough Market - an all FOOD market MmMmM its amazing and it was sad to say goodbye too like ive been doing with all my fav. markets =(
From there we went to Oxford St. to watch the Pride Parade. I was actually disappointed in it, I thought it would be better than Toronto but it wasn't however I was proud to say ours is better. However they did have Boy George at their but meh we have some D List celebraties too hahaha ;)

After the parade Rita and I went to Primark for one of our last time :( thats the sadest hahaha and then headed home to babysit for the night. We packed our lunches and had a really nice dinner and she went home for a good night sleep before our FESTIVAL!!!
Sunday was the Wireless Festival in Hyde Park. We were aloud in at 12:00 and the music started at 2:00. I was a little out of my element because Sunday was the R&B day but I embrassed the black girl in me and represented. I was also in heaven because there were so many black guys hahaha However I felt like a fool busting a move because there all so chill hahaha and im a white girl with no R&B rthyme but meh I had a blast. Ritas sister Franca bought us t-shirts from Canada with the Kayne glasses on them and we represented! (see pic below)

We saw a bunch of bands: Young Jeezy, Q-Tip, Alesha Dixson, Kid Cudi, The Noisettes, Flow Rida (kinda), the dance group Diversity and KANYE WEST!!!
The Noisettes were my personal fav., besides Kayne of course and we didnt really get to see Flow Rida because he was inside a tent and it was to packed and when we tried to get in i basically lost a rib and couldnt breath and some girl had to help me and move the gate before i passed out hahaha because sercurity was useless. Kayne was great but he thinks hes gods gift and had naked girls as assessories and by no means am i feminist but i wasnt a fan! Also the people were a little intense Rita and I bitched out a few people because we werent about to be walked all over and pushed about, she was actually proud of me because usually im a push over haha! But people were also threwing bottles around and i got pinged a bunch of time but we made friend with the people around us while we waiting so it was cool. My fav. songs were American Girl, Jesus Walks and Gold Digger OF COURSE... of and Stronger which he ended with! I love the athmosphere of festivals and was so glad we got attend this one. Everyone did a MJ shout out of course but it made me sad that we are missing out on him next thrusday =(
(pic below is how close we were to Kayne - not zoomed)

The countdown continues TWO MORE WEEKS OF WORK!
Ive been a little sentimental lately with Rita and Matilda especially because Im gonna miss my Swed <3
See you all Soon!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Thanks for the Sun Canada!
This weekend was a great deal of fun in the sun for us here in London, I was told we usually get about 3 days a year of really nice weather - welp since ive been here all typical England weather has vanished because we have had 30+ weather since Friday and its still going strong. So this weekend we have taken advantage of that. Saturday Rita and I met up with Leah, Hannah, Michelle and a new girl Emma in Greenwich where we caught up and had a cute picnic all afternoon.

Thursday was Marius 28th birthday so Silvio was throughing him a BBQ so Rita and I stopped by her house after the park to get ready for the night and to visit the guys for a quick BBQ. Then we headed over to Lyndsays (the girls who had the movie night last Saturday) for a predrink with her and 2 other girls Louis and Laura girls Rita works with and Louis is going to be her roommate from Sept - Dec., when she leaves me to go back to England =(

We went to a lounge bar called The Living Room and then headed across the street to a club Strawberry Moons. It was really fun dancing and meeting new people, I have meet them all before but its nicer to get to know them more. In totally there were 12 of us with the girls and their boyfriends and friends - so it was different from Rita and I's usually party of two!
Sunday we headed to Hampton Court Palace which was King Henry VIII palace so we spent the day learning about his numburous scandals and all 6 of his wifes. It was a good time and they have a beautiful garden that kept reminding me of Alice and Wonderland.

OMG i so jealous of Rita! On Monday Johnny Depp was in Leicester Square for the premiere of Public Enemy and she got his picture and he signed her Sweeney Todd DVD!!!
Tonight we are heading to Traflger Square where they are celebrating Canada with food and music, then to the Maple Leaf the CANADA bar. They entire street it is on gets shut down!!!

WTF how did that happen!
This weekend was a great deal of fun in the sun for us here in London, I was told we usually get about 3 days a year of really nice weather - welp since ive been here all typical England weather has vanished because we have had 30+ weather since Friday and its still going strong. So this weekend we have taken advantage of that. Saturday Rita and I met up with Leah, Hannah, Michelle and a new girl Emma in Greenwich where we caught up and had a cute picnic all afternoon.

Thursday was Marius 28th birthday so Silvio was throughing him a BBQ so Rita and I stopped by her house after the park to get ready for the night and to visit the guys for a quick BBQ. Then we headed over to Lyndsays (the girls who had the movie night last Saturday) for a predrink with her and 2 other girls Louis and Laura girls Rita works with and Louis is going to be her roommate from Sept - Dec., when she leaves me to go back to England =(

We went to a lounge bar called The Living Room and then headed across the street to a club Strawberry Moons. It was really fun dancing and meeting new people, I have meet them all before but its nicer to get to know them more. In totally there were 12 of us with the girls and their boyfriends and friends - so it was different from Rita and I's usually party of two!
Sunday we headed to Hampton Court Palace which was King Henry VIII palace so we spent the day learning about his numburous scandals and all 6 of his wifes. It was a good time and they have a beautiful garden that kept reminding me of Alice and Wonderland.

OMG i so jealous of Rita! On Monday Johnny Depp was in Leicester Square for the premiere of Public Enemy and she got his picture and he signed her Sweeney Todd DVD!!!
Tonight we are heading to Traflger Square where they are celebrating Canada with food and music, then to the Maple Leaf the CANADA bar. They entire street it is on gets shut down!!!

WTF how did that happen!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
One Month Mark
So Monday was the beginning of my ONE MONTH MARK of school work... and tomorrow is my ONE MONTH MARK of NANNY LIFE!!! Woot Woot Woot can you all tell that im uber excited. But this weekend I came to a few conclusion that made me a bit sad. On Sunday we went Camden because it was a beautiful day, 20 degrees and sunshine. But on our way there I was thinking this is going to be the last time I get to go to Camden, which kind of hit me. Ive always had the chance to do whatever I want in London whenever I want this year and it was weird to wrap my head around the fact that I will not be going to my favourite spots ever again (well for a LONG TIME!) It really made me stop and appricate all that London has provided me with, I have just become also used to my life here and thus its so accessable you kind of forget how different it is from life at home - im gonna miss the activites Rita and I do in London on the weekends.
However its hard because in saying im gonna miss it I feel like im a traitor to home but im not, I can miss her but want to be home at the same time. HAHAHA can you tell I have mx feelings about coming to an conclusion.
Anyways Friday and Saturday Rita and I went out and had a movie night with two other girls she works with which was super nice.
Other than that Ive started to pack up my life - my room and drawers. Ive sorted threw some clothes I have to get rid of seeing that I have way to much stuff for my weight limit. It may seem soon but the month of July im SOOO BUSY that I wont want to be packing in my spare time and thus to reduce stress im doing starting it now with the stuff that I dont need from now until then!
thats the best news ever seeing that were transfering and leaving at 6am it will be nice to have some company!
thats it for now!
However its hard because in saying im gonna miss it I feel like im a traitor to home but im not, I can miss her but want to be home at the same time. HAHAHA can you tell I have mx feelings about coming to an conclusion.
Anyways Friday and Saturday Rita and I went out and had a movie night with two other girls she works with which was super nice.
Other than that Ive started to pack up my life - my room and drawers. Ive sorted threw some clothes I have to get rid of seeing that I have way to much stuff for my weight limit. It may seem soon but the month of July im SOOO BUSY that I wont want to be packing in my spare time and thus to reduce stress im doing starting it now with the stuff that I dont need from now until then!
thats the best news ever seeing that were transfering and leaving at 6am it will be nice to have some company!
thats it for now!
Thursday, June 18, 2009

(this last one is when anna almost fell in HAHA!)
This morning is a gorgious day so Matilda and I took Anna and Bella to the duck pond with some older bread! It reminded me of the trailer park pond *HEART*
We took some really cute pictures and since Im like a proud mom I want to show you all my little girl and her friend!
Heres the fun we had...
This week has been really good with the girls, Livy has been in a positive mind setting and when its like that we can always have fun. This morning she got her self up with NO FIGHTING which is rare, and it made for a great start to the day!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Edinburgh, Scotland
(me pointing at the mountain we did climb - on the left side, ride is Author Seat)

(the world largest Whiskey collection)

(from Edinburgh Castle)

SORRY that im slacking again in the Blog department, but Ive starting writing in my journal again and keeping up two tabs on my adventures is getting a bit tedious BUT I still enjoy sharing so bare with me!
i know were together all the time but this is the first time since March that we have travelled together and it was oh so fun of course!
So I started my weekend off well because Sara and I agreed to switch dates to work so I had Friday off and now work this Saturday because they are having a dinner party and need help with the girls: so I get to do swimming lessons with Isabella Saturday!!! Thus Friday I got to sleep in which was NEEDED seeing that I us nannies went out on Thursday of course and had a blast of course! Ive been thinking a lot lately about the fact that in less than two months Im going to leave them forever, which is sad. Its going to be reality really soon because Kylie is going home for a month holiday on the 27th and we will just miss eachother before I leave - so this Thrusday shes having a get together at her house! Sorry I got a little off track there, anywhere Friday I had to work at the school though so I was up for that at 12, and Livy has asked to volunteer on her school trip this afternoon after working lunch duty, so that will be interesting haha but Im a sucker and said yes lol so we are going to the marsh for enviroment week.
We got to Edinburgh and found out hostel and went to a local bar that was across the street. Upon arrival we met a Courtney from Vancover who was backpacking alone and seemed to be missing home and lonely so we invited her out and went for a few drinks, and then off to bed for our busy weekend! Saturday we woke up and walked to the Royal Mile the main street in Edinburgh. From there we headed to Edinburgh Castle which had amazing views and then went to walk the Grassmarket and the Royal Mile. We stopped at a really cool pub that gave us a backpackers discount which is always welcome! After a great afternoon we went home for a small nap and to get ready for our night out. Saturday night was my favourite part (usually is) we had a great dinner and went our way on our own pub crawl. Went to a pub with live scotish folk music which was my favourite and a dance bar called Frankestein that had a very cool venue with a LIVE monster (it was ritas fav) and then stopped at a few other pubs before calling it a night. Sleeping in a hostel with 6 other girls can be interesting and you get so characters... Rita and I laughed because at like 6am a girl feel off her top bunk and her friend didnt even get up to help her!
PS. we also went to a Whiskey Tour on Saturday and saw the worlds largest Whiskey collect that had 3400 bottles collected over 35 years!
Sunday we climbs a large mountain beside Aurther Seat a volcano that is 350 million years old - this also gave us an amazing view! Then we just walked the Royal Mile again and got a nice lunch with a view of the Castle! We were so tired on this trip, for an unknown reason but it was great anyways. I caught up with my sleep last night, I went to bed for a quick nap after work at 7:30 and didnt get up until this morning!!! IT WAS THE BEST!
I just got a msg from my hairdresser Trisha who is visiting with friends and we might get together Friday! Then I babysit saturday and Rita and I will do stuff to fill in the brakes. Im starting to really stress out about getting life ready to leave here but also get ready life to start there!!!
AHHH August 6th is coming so soon!
Oh, PS i booked my flight home August 6th!
Next monday is my ONE MONTH MARK for work!!! OMG CRAZY
(sorry about the lack of posts again... i know there few and fair between but im getting supper preoccupied these days!)
it doesnt mean I DONT LOVE YOU ALL!

(the world largest Whiskey collection)

(from Edinburgh Castle)

SORRY that im slacking again in the Blog department, but Ive starting writing in my journal again and keeping up two tabs on my adventures is getting a bit tedious BUT I still enjoy sharing so bare with me!
i know were together all the time but this is the first time since March that we have travelled together and it was oh so fun of course!
So I started my weekend off well because Sara and I agreed to switch dates to work so I had Friday off and now work this Saturday because they are having a dinner party and need help with the girls: so I get to do swimming lessons with Isabella Saturday!!! Thus Friday I got to sleep in which was NEEDED seeing that I us nannies went out on Thursday of course and had a blast of course! Ive been thinking a lot lately about the fact that in less than two months Im going to leave them forever, which is sad. Its going to be reality really soon because Kylie is going home for a month holiday on the 27th and we will just miss eachother before I leave - so this Thrusday shes having a get together at her house! Sorry I got a little off track there, anywhere Friday I had to work at the school though so I was up for that at 12, and Livy has asked to volunteer on her school trip this afternoon after working lunch duty, so that will be interesting haha but Im a sucker and said yes lol so we are going to the marsh for enviroment week.
We got to Edinburgh and found out hostel and went to a local bar that was across the street. Upon arrival we met a Courtney from Vancover who was backpacking alone and seemed to be missing home and lonely so we invited her out and went for a few drinks, and then off to bed for our busy weekend! Saturday we woke up and walked to the Royal Mile the main street in Edinburgh. From there we headed to Edinburgh Castle which had amazing views and then went to walk the Grassmarket and the Royal Mile. We stopped at a really cool pub that gave us a backpackers discount which is always welcome! After a great afternoon we went home for a small nap and to get ready for our night out. Saturday night was my favourite part (usually is) we had a great dinner and went our way on our own pub crawl. Went to a pub with live scotish folk music which was my favourite and a dance bar called Frankestein that had a very cool venue with a LIVE monster (it was ritas fav) and then stopped at a few other pubs before calling it a night. Sleeping in a hostel with 6 other girls can be interesting and you get so characters... Rita and I laughed because at like 6am a girl feel off her top bunk and her friend didnt even get up to help her!
PS. we also went to a Whiskey Tour on Saturday and saw the worlds largest Whiskey collect that had 3400 bottles collected over 35 years!
Sunday we climbs a large mountain beside Aurther Seat a volcano that is 350 million years old - this also gave us an amazing view! Then we just walked the Royal Mile again and got a nice lunch with a view of the Castle! We were so tired on this trip, for an unknown reason but it was great anyways. I caught up with my sleep last night, I went to bed for a quick nap after work at 7:30 and didnt get up until this morning!!! IT WAS THE BEST!
I just got a msg from my hairdresser Trisha who is visiting with friends and we might get together Friday! Then I babysit saturday and Rita and I will do stuff to fill in the brakes. Im starting to really stress out about getting life ready to leave here but also get ready life to start there!!!
AHHH August 6th is coming so soon!
Oh, PS i booked my flight home August 6th!
Next monday is my ONE MONTH MARK for work!!! OMG CRAZY
(sorry about the lack of posts again... i know there few and fair between but im getting supper preoccupied these days!)
it doesnt mean I DONT LOVE YOU ALL!
Monday, June 1, 2009

(waterfall in Lautenbrunnen I went behind)

(the mountains as the sunset on an evening walk)

(high in the mountains)

(me and my moped!)

First I shall start with a few pics from Switzerland, and finish up that aspect of this entry before I get into the subject that is KARMA!
Friday and Saturday we def. more reserved that my first two days in Switzerland, they were my me days which were nice but ive realized althought i want to be an independant person and that was one of the reasons for taking this year for me - independant doesnt mean alone and thus i love socialization! But none the less it was nice to just relax, this was the first trip ive been on I think other than maybe Venice where I felt like I was on vacation because it wasnt rushed and it was just calm. So Friday I went walked half way and trained half way back to Lautenbrunnen and found a few nice spots and just wrote letter, made bracelets (I found a cute bead shop and returned back to my 16 year old self making hemp!). I also went to another waterfall that you could walk up and stand behind kind of which was really cool... a freaking tiring hike seeing that I had just walked for a long time but it was worth it. I was exhuasted because my roommates were up making so much noise at like 6am but who can complain when sharing a 6 man room! That night I just stayed in and hung out with some people who were staying at our hostel. Saturday was along the same lines I exploded central Interlaken some more and then went back to the hostel and chatted with a nice Kiwi who was doing his own paragliding on this trip. Got back home for like 11:30 Saturday... fantastic trip!!!
Sunday I slept in and reorganized my life but then it was beautiful out so Rita and I met up in Greenwich for a picnic in the park. This is where the Karma kicked in, on the walk to the tube station lets get an image in your heads first: I was wearing white linen pants and a dark blue tshirt and then BAM BAM BAM a bird SHIT ON ME! After Ive had hundreds of laughs at Rita and Cassie it happened to me, when I was walking ALONE. I had to go into a local coffee short and use there napkins and wetwipes and get it off... then I was shit stained all day! (note: if your laughing right now beware because the karma is coming for you!)
Also I never can remember what Ive written about or not: BUT I gave my notice for leaving... my last day is July 22nd, and I'll be home AUGUST 6TH (the flight isnt booked but ill make it offical this week when I book it!)
Enjoy hope its nice there, today is the hottest day of the year to date!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Jungfraubahnen Region, Switzerland
Its me and its the first time ive written a blog from a country other than England; how impressed are you. I figured since Ive keep myself VERY busy with this trip I should write about it in two installments hahaha - thus you have installment #1!
Ive been here for 2 full days and they have been jam packed... and suprisingly even though this is my first lone trip today has been the first day where ive actually been ALONE. I arrived here late late Tuesday night and after sending some quick emails to let everyone know i survived I went straight to bed. However the next morning at breakfast is where I met Lisa; and austrialian who I spent the most of wednesday and thrusday adventuring with. Wednesday we headed to Lauterbrunnen a town with over 70 natural waterfalls - the home of Trummelbach Falls, a waterfall where the 3 largest mountains water runs threw. We were able to climb to nearly the top of the waterfall and see it running threw the entire mountain. It was beautiful, however sadly enough on the 22nd of May a 12 year old boy went missing because he leant over the bridge and fell in! (a little piece of information we learnt AFTER we had gone) From there we roamed around the town by foot and ended up at Stechelberg: this is the spot where the worlds highest running ariel cable car begins at 922m and it runs through 4 other stops ended at Schilthorn at 2971m high (the spot where 007 was filmed back in the day)... so we got tickets and made our stops at Gimmelwald (1409m), Murren (1634m) and Birg (doesnt say) and ended at the top to have a nice lunch in a revolving resturant where you get a full view of the ice capt mountains. It was amazing you actually pass over the clouds and are standing amongst them! DID I MENTIONS IM LOVING THIS TRIP - we headed back down to Lauterbrunnen to catch a train to Wengen (1274m) a traffic free town (except for the tourist resorts cars) - we had a nice dinner there in pure peace. All of these town are so remote and peaceful with such gorgous views its very hard to explain and even the picture cant do it justice (however i will post picture when i return to England tomorrow). On our way home by train we met two more Aussies: Chris and Matt who had been living in Lautenbrunnen for a week and were just doing some hiking, they were heading into Interlaken for drinks and we joined them for a fun night out.
Thursday I met Lisa early in the morning again at breakfast, she was suppost to be heading to Paris Thrusday but had her flight delayed to today so we could do some more sight seeing. We headed over to Fun Rentals and rented Mopeds - it was sweet for 3.5hrs it only cost us 40 CHF almost equal to Canadian dollars and that included our insurance! It was a great but freaking scary experiences, because we had huge trucks passing us on our mopeds that would only go max. 55, up and up and up and round bends to get us to Grindelwald (1034m) - a tourist town close by. It took us about 30mins to get there passing by cows, rivers and beautiful green mountains that disappear into the clouds and come out over top covered in snow! We travelled high pass the tourist part of town and found a nice spot to part the scooters and found a path that led us to a beautiful waterfall, and we just sat there and took in the view, and decided to head home. Once back in Interlaken we decided to cease the moment and go paragliding! I was going to spend that money to go to Jungfaujoch the "Top of Europe"; its the highest point the rail system goes in Europe but its about 1000m higher than Schilthorn and I wanted to do something completely difference since I was very satisfied with Schilthorn - and im sooooo glad I did! My instructor was named Robi and he has been flying for 17 years... he was very friendly. We had to run attached to him off a cliff and althought the cliff came to a drastic slop down we had to keep running until he told me to stop, that was the scarest part and once that was over the view was amazing! Overlooking towns, and lakes and passing over mountains - the ride was about 15 - 20mins long and he even let me fly it once we were clear of the mountains of course. I got to do 360's and steer it, I was able to bring my camera and while I took picture of the view below us he took pictures with a special camera of us (which I will also put up). And then before we were going to land he took control again and did all sort of crazy tricks with it to make us spin really fast... and go basically upside down for a bit, SOOOOO WORTH IT!
Now its 11am on Thrusday and I have spent my morning doing some sovenior shopping and getting medicine because my allergies have NEVER been this bad... I had to buy eye drops and tablets, after having so many nice people in my hostel give me there medicine last night. Can I just say that his trip has renewed my faith in people: I was nervous to be alone travelling but there are so many difference and cool people who are doing the same thing alone or with someone and everyone has there own story. Last night I just hung out on the deck of our hostel and was joined quickly by 8 others from all over the world and as we sat watching the sunset in the mountain we just enjoyed each others company sharing our individual stories.
Anyways, Im out might head back to Lauterbrunnen because its a beautiful spot to just hang out and spend some quaility me time before I have to say goodbye tomorrow.
Im safe and having a blast!
Love you ALL!
(here is a map: copy and paste it in a new window if you want an idea of where ive been!)
Its me and its the first time ive written a blog from a country other than England; how impressed are you. I figured since Ive keep myself VERY busy with this trip I should write about it in two installments hahaha - thus you have installment #1!
Ive been here for 2 full days and they have been jam packed... and suprisingly even though this is my first lone trip today has been the first day where ive actually been ALONE. I arrived here late late Tuesday night and after sending some quick emails to let everyone know i survived I went straight to bed. However the next morning at breakfast is where I met Lisa; and austrialian who I spent the most of wednesday and thrusday adventuring with. Wednesday we headed to Lauterbrunnen a town with over 70 natural waterfalls - the home of Trummelbach Falls, a waterfall where the 3 largest mountains water runs threw. We were able to climb to nearly the top of the waterfall and see it running threw the entire mountain. It was beautiful, however sadly enough on the 22nd of May a 12 year old boy went missing because he leant over the bridge and fell in! (a little piece of information we learnt AFTER we had gone) From there we roamed around the town by foot and ended up at Stechelberg: this is the spot where the worlds highest running ariel cable car begins at 922m and it runs through 4 other stops ended at Schilthorn at 2971m high (the spot where 007 was filmed back in the day)... so we got tickets and made our stops at Gimmelwald (1409m), Murren (1634m) and Birg (doesnt say) and ended at the top to have a nice lunch in a revolving resturant where you get a full view of the ice capt mountains. It was amazing you actually pass over the clouds and are standing amongst them! DID I MENTIONS IM LOVING THIS TRIP - we headed back down to Lauterbrunnen to catch a train to Wengen (1274m) a traffic free town (except for the tourist resorts cars) - we had a nice dinner there in pure peace. All of these town are so remote and peaceful with such gorgous views its very hard to explain and even the picture cant do it justice (however i will post picture when i return to England tomorrow). On our way home by train we met two more Aussies: Chris and Matt who had been living in Lautenbrunnen for a week and were just doing some hiking, they were heading into Interlaken for drinks and we joined them for a fun night out.
Thursday I met Lisa early in the morning again at breakfast, she was suppost to be heading to Paris Thrusday but had her flight delayed to today so we could do some more sight seeing. We headed over to Fun Rentals and rented Mopeds - it was sweet for 3.5hrs it only cost us 40 CHF almost equal to Canadian dollars and that included our insurance! It was a great but freaking scary experiences, because we had huge trucks passing us on our mopeds that would only go max. 55, up and up and up and round bends to get us to Grindelwald (1034m) - a tourist town close by. It took us about 30mins to get there passing by cows, rivers and beautiful green mountains that disappear into the clouds and come out over top covered in snow! We travelled high pass the tourist part of town and found a nice spot to part the scooters and found a path that led us to a beautiful waterfall, and we just sat there and took in the view, and decided to head home. Once back in Interlaken we decided to cease the moment and go paragliding! I was going to spend that money to go to Jungfaujoch the "Top of Europe"; its the highest point the rail system goes in Europe but its about 1000m higher than Schilthorn and I wanted to do something completely difference since I was very satisfied with Schilthorn - and im sooooo glad I did! My instructor was named Robi and he has been flying for 17 years... he was very friendly. We had to run attached to him off a cliff and althought the cliff came to a drastic slop down we had to keep running until he told me to stop, that was the scarest part and once that was over the view was amazing! Overlooking towns, and lakes and passing over mountains - the ride was about 15 - 20mins long and he even let me fly it once we were clear of the mountains of course. I got to do 360's and steer it, I was able to bring my camera and while I took picture of the view below us he took pictures with a special camera of us (which I will also put up). And then before we were going to land he took control again and did all sort of crazy tricks with it to make us spin really fast... and go basically upside down for a bit, SOOOOO WORTH IT!
Now its 11am on Thrusday and I have spent my morning doing some sovenior shopping and getting medicine because my allergies have NEVER been this bad... I had to buy eye drops and tablets, after having so many nice people in my hostel give me there medicine last night. Can I just say that his trip has renewed my faith in people: I was nervous to be alone travelling but there are so many difference and cool people who are doing the same thing alone or with someone and everyone has there own story. Last night I just hung out on the deck of our hostel and was joined quickly by 8 others from all over the world and as we sat watching the sunset in the mountain we just enjoyed each others company sharing our individual stories.
Anyways, Im out might head back to Lauterbrunnen because its a beautiful spot to just hang out and spend some quaility me time before I have to say goodbye tomorrow.
Im safe and having a blast!
Love you ALL!
(here is a map: copy and paste it in a new window if you want an idea of where ive been!)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Meet the Girls 2
I know that I did a nice overview of my girls back a few months ago, but because they are children and are so influence by a small bubble that is their world, and because at their age there brains grow at a rapid pace I just thought id take this night in to give an update on who they are developing into while im here with them.
Isabella Jack
Although before Isabella had many different nicknames she has now become a one named woman since I returned from my trip with Cassie, and will only be referred to as Isabella Jack in full form and if you slip up and refer to her as Bell or Bella she will be most dignant and tell you "IM ISABELLA JACK!". She is still as happy and bright as ever but she is also still very expressive of her emotions and will tell you at any moment and you are not her friend because she mad or to leave me alone. Every day before I leave for my 2nd job at the school I will tell her I love her and when I pick her up from nursary I will say I missed you and it is the best feeling when she response to either comment with an "i love you" or an "i missed you too"! I have recently taught her how to squish her face and when she does this she says SQUISHY FACE... and we are now mastering the skill of stretchy face as well. She is a fashion icon for a 3 yr old, she will not hesitate to tell me if she doesnt like something I am wearing but equally she will compliment my wardrobe or hair. With this fashion sense she will not let you dress her in the morning and will insist that she chooses her outfits. We spend our time together playing birthdays with puzzles we have just made and cutting the cake ie., breaking the puzzle pieces, playing hair dresser or she makes me tea with her little tea set that used to belong to Olivia. I was shocked the other day by how good she is with math skills, she can put a puzzle together better than Olivia, and can count and identify shapes already. Isabella is my friend, and we can have nice conversation over breakfast but also have a blast being silly together. Her favourite game right now is hide and seek and she doesnt grasp that you need to be hiding to say BOO.
Olivia Jack
Olivia and I's relationship is an uphill battle with nice bumps along the way to rest and enjoy the view (if that makes sense at all). Livy and I have the same taste in boys, and we have a common guy who we refer to as our boyfriend - he is a teacher at her school/the school i work at. Olivia for being suck a serious little girl have a sense of humor that is developing very nicely, she doenst kid around often but when she does her comment actually make me laugh. Olivia has found comfort in sleeping on the bottom bunk with her sister lately, and will not go to bed without Charle; her stuff animal dog. Olivias best friend is Chivas the dog, and I truely believe that she has more fun with him that when she is socializing with other children. I was so proud of her this week when she finally won the trophey from her football team, Mia had won it 3 times and she as devisated last week and this week she tried her hardest and won (the moment reminded me of when Lucy scores a goal at the end of I am Sam: I was Sam). Olivia is a very clever girl and has gotten into a priate school next year, and with those brains she is very good at manipulating adults on thier weaknesses, a quality i see daily between her and her parents - but she probably does it to me without even realizing it as well. I love her hard but at time I can dislike her just as much - Olivia Jack is one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced in life.
I know I dont write often about my girls, probably because so much of my life involves them I try to minimize it when possible, however they are a huge part of my life and thus I like sharing what I go threw daily with you all!
Isabella Jack
Although before Isabella had many different nicknames she has now become a one named woman since I returned from my trip with Cassie, and will only be referred to as Isabella Jack in full form and if you slip up and refer to her as Bell or Bella she will be most dignant and tell you "IM ISABELLA JACK!". She is still as happy and bright as ever but she is also still very expressive of her emotions and will tell you at any moment and you are not her friend because she mad or to leave me alone. Every day before I leave for my 2nd job at the school I will tell her I love her and when I pick her up from nursary I will say I missed you and it is the best feeling when she response to either comment with an "i love you" or an "i missed you too"! I have recently taught her how to squish her face and when she does this she says SQUISHY FACE... and we are now mastering the skill of stretchy face as well. She is a fashion icon for a 3 yr old, she will not hesitate to tell me if she doesnt like something I am wearing but equally she will compliment my wardrobe or hair. With this fashion sense she will not let you dress her in the morning and will insist that she chooses her outfits. We spend our time together playing birthdays with puzzles we have just made and cutting the cake ie., breaking the puzzle pieces, playing hair dresser or she makes me tea with her little tea set that used to belong to Olivia. I was shocked the other day by how good she is with math skills, she can put a puzzle together better than Olivia, and can count and identify shapes already. Isabella is my friend, and we can have nice conversation over breakfast but also have a blast being silly together. Her favourite game right now is hide and seek and she doesnt grasp that you need to be hiding to say BOO.
Olivia Jack
Olivia and I's relationship is an uphill battle with nice bumps along the way to rest and enjoy the view (if that makes sense at all). Livy and I have the same taste in boys, and we have a common guy who we refer to as our boyfriend - he is a teacher at her school/the school i work at. Olivia for being suck a serious little girl have a sense of humor that is developing very nicely, she doenst kid around often but when she does her comment actually make me laugh. Olivia has found comfort in sleeping on the bottom bunk with her sister lately, and will not go to bed without Charle; her stuff animal dog. Olivias best friend is Chivas the dog, and I truely believe that she has more fun with him that when she is socializing with other children. I was so proud of her this week when she finally won the trophey from her football team, Mia had won it 3 times and she as devisated last week and this week she tried her hardest and won (the moment reminded me of when Lucy scores a goal at the end of I am Sam: I was Sam). Olivia is a very clever girl and has gotten into a priate school next year, and with those brains she is very good at manipulating adults on thier weaknesses, a quality i see daily between her and her parents - but she probably does it to me without even realizing it as well. I love her hard but at time I can dislike her just as much - Olivia Jack is one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced in life.
I know I dont write often about my girls, probably because so much of my life involves them I try to minimize it when possible, however they are a huge part of my life and thus I like sharing what I go threw daily with you all!
Monday, May 18, 2009
happy anniversary daniel
This was the first weekend in 3 weeks that I didnt have to babysit and it was a really nice change to have the ENTIRE weekend to myself! Althought I didnt end up going out friday night is it still nice to have that freedom to choice. My weekend actually started Thursday (kinda); it was the first thrusday since Cassie has been here than I went out for nanny night! Matilda, Kylie and Ula and myself meet up in Stratford and went to an open mic night... it was SO nice to get out with those girls again, we had a great time. Didn't end up leaving till about 12:30 - lucky enough we JUST caught the last tube! I didnt get in till 1:30 though and having to get up at 7:00 was not pretty sight to say the least!
My thrusday night escapades is probably another reason I stayed in Friday night, but it was nice got to have a date night with Daniel and a nice chat with Ashley! Rita and I were up Saturday morning early to catch a train to Windsor to check out the castle. Windsor Castle is the unoffical home of the Queen, so I really enjoyed seeing this castle inparticularly because it was really someone home, where as all the others were lived in hundreds of years ago - this one was current. Rita and I have been the Windsor before with Silv but not to the castle, but it is a very nice town - so we also walked around again. We ended up going for lunch/dinner to 'Thai Square', it was my first Thai expereinces and I actually LOVED IT - I got pai thai and it was amazing. I love how i have widened my palate since being here, it has encouraged me upon my return to try new places in KDUB! Then Saturday we headed home to get ready for Sonjas birthday party, we went out to Zoo Bar OF COURSE! The DJ is always playing the best top 40 and classic cheese music that is always amazing... there was actually one 2 songs where I didnt really get into the music and we were there for over 3 hrs of straight dancing! It was also sweet because we didnt have to pay cover. Funny story though (dont I always have them!); Rita and I had gone to the toliet and there was a lesbian (i could tell because she had a shaved head) in there and I had noticed earlier that I loved her dress, so I told her in the bathroom, and thought nothing of it - only to find out later that she approved Rita and said "Tell your friend that I think shes very hot", Rita was having nothing of it, because everyone knows IM HERS and she said with attitude "I KNOW!" haha - Daniel you can be please that the only attention I recieved was from the same sex!

Sunday was Kylies Pink Ladies Cocktail Party!
Rita and I headed over to Kylies house at 1:00; it was the first time I have seen her place and its soo nice, and cute. Rita, Ula and her roomie Magda and Kylie had a fabulous day wearing pink, drinking an assortment of pink cocktails and being girls! Martin, Kylies live-in boyfriend was the best, he had gone out earlier that morning and bought Kylie pink flowers, and he served us cocktail and snacks all afternoon! He honestly never let a girls drink go down - BOY TAKE HINTS, and girls dont settle THOSE BOYS REALLY DO EXIST! So we stayed and got drunk from 1 - 6pm, drinking on a Sunday afternoon is my NEW FAVOURITE time to drink - its a great way of spending a relaxing sunday afternoon. Except, can I just take a moment to express how on occation I can not stand Europeans - I didnt realise this until I moved here but they are so blunt and pesimistic its actually offensive. In a discussion about weight and Poland (Ula and Madga are Polish) and how too skinny is sexy there and we were dicussing average and I was referred to as average sized by non-europeans Ula straight up called me a FAT PIG - and was so serious! This is why girls have complexes about weight, WOMAN ARE SUPPOST TO HAVE CURVES, dont forget it!
(not the nices picture; but it has all of us in it!)

I can not believe that next tuesday Im heading to Switzerland!
Rita and I booked our Greece trip, and Im buying my Nice tickets today!
With the new plans Im coming home a day early; so I get a day between the wedding and arriving home!
Have a great VICTORIA DAY!
PS. Quick Boyfriend Shoot OUT
today is daniel and my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
i love you more than even, and i cant wait for whats to come!
My thrusday night escapades is probably another reason I stayed in Friday night, but it was nice got to have a date night with Daniel and a nice chat with Ashley! Rita and I were up Saturday morning early to catch a train to Windsor to check out the castle. Windsor Castle is the unoffical home of the Queen, so I really enjoyed seeing this castle inparticularly because it was really someone home, where as all the others were lived in hundreds of years ago - this one was current. Rita and I have been the Windsor before with Silv but not to the castle, but it is a very nice town - so we also walked around again. We ended up going for lunch/dinner to 'Thai Square', it was my first Thai expereinces and I actually LOVED IT - I got pai thai and it was amazing. I love how i have widened my palate since being here, it has encouraged me upon my return to try new places in KDUB! Then Saturday we headed home to get ready for Sonjas birthday party, we went out to Zoo Bar OF COURSE! The DJ is always playing the best top 40 and classic cheese music that is always amazing... there was actually one 2 songs where I didnt really get into the music and we were there for over 3 hrs of straight dancing! It was also sweet because we didnt have to pay cover. Funny story though (dont I always have them!); Rita and I had gone to the toliet and there was a lesbian (i could tell because she had a shaved head) in there and I had noticed earlier that I loved her dress, so I told her in the bathroom, and thought nothing of it - only to find out later that she approved Rita and said "Tell your friend that I think shes very hot", Rita was having nothing of it, because everyone knows IM HERS and she said with attitude "I KNOW!" haha - Daniel you can be please that the only attention I recieved was from the same sex!

Sunday was Kylies Pink Ladies Cocktail Party!
Rita and I headed over to Kylies house at 1:00; it was the first time I have seen her place and its soo nice, and cute. Rita, Ula and her roomie Magda and Kylie had a fabulous day wearing pink, drinking an assortment of pink cocktails and being girls! Martin, Kylies live-in boyfriend was the best, he had gone out earlier that morning and bought Kylie pink flowers, and he served us cocktail and snacks all afternoon! He honestly never let a girls drink go down - BOY TAKE HINTS, and girls dont settle THOSE BOYS REALLY DO EXIST! So we stayed and got drunk from 1 - 6pm, drinking on a Sunday afternoon is my NEW FAVOURITE time to drink - its a great way of spending a relaxing sunday afternoon. Except, can I just take a moment to express how on occation I can not stand Europeans - I didnt realise this until I moved here but they are so blunt and pesimistic its actually offensive. In a discussion about weight and Poland (Ula and Madga are Polish) and how too skinny is sexy there and we were dicussing average and I was referred to as average sized by non-europeans Ula straight up called me a FAT PIG - and was so serious! This is why girls have complexes about weight, WOMAN ARE SUPPOST TO HAVE CURVES, dont forget it!
(not the nices picture; but it has all of us in it!)

I can not believe that next tuesday Im heading to Switzerland!
Rita and I booked our Greece trip, and Im buying my Nice tickets today!
With the new plans Im coming home a day early; so I get a day between the wedding and arriving home!
Have a great VICTORIA DAY!
PS. Quick Boyfriend Shoot OUT
today is daniel and my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
i love you more than even, and i cant wait for whats to come!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Kyle Smith the 'Acrostic'
All that I LOVE and MISS about my BIRTHDAY BOY... enjoy!
he still loves me after almost Killing him on at least two different occasions
You go above and beyond devicing eleborate plans of attack just to get revenge and to get any chance you can to violate my body
informs me of all the dirty Lingo that the boys use, and you are not afraid of using discribive words
Eiffel Tower.
will never let a Simpson joke pass without being called out
even when i Mistake his birthday for last tuesday, i know he wont judge!
I can count on a solid ALLY OUP comment in all situations
created my Title as the 'group girlfriend'
Happy Birthday your an amazing guy and friend, I LOVE YOU KYLE!
he still loves me after almost Killing him on at least two different occasions
You go above and beyond devicing eleborate plans of attack just to get revenge and to get any chance you can to violate my body
informs me of all the dirty Lingo that the boys use, and you are not afraid of using discribive words
Eiffel Tower.
will never let a Simpson joke pass without being called out
even when i Mistake his birthday for last tuesday, i know he wont judge!
I can count on a solid ALLY OUP comment in all situations
created my Title as the 'group girlfriend'
Happy Birthday your an amazing guy and friend, I LOVE YOU KYLE!
Monday, May 11, 2009
i love my mom... and daniel too!
xx. you're the best mother any girl could ask for, love you the MOST, next year its me and you all day long .xx
xx. you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, sorry I couldnt spend this day with you - thank you for all your support, only eighty something more days .xx
How was your weekend... mine was nice, lord how I love my weekends! Friday I got out of the house at 8:00 and met up with Rita in the Docklands to see "I Love You, Man". If you havent seen it, I would def. recommend it... HILARIOUS! For those of you who have seen it bahahaha isnt it the best... TOTS M' GOATS - probably the best line EVER! Anyways then we went for drinks and had a nice sleep over, i send all my free nights on weekends sleeping over at Ritas and Im forever greatful that she is her to resuce me for my house for my weekly escape! Saturday we packed up and headed to Islington a new side of town Matilda suggested us to see, we spend the day walking up and down the streets and side markets then went a bought a few things for a cute picnic in the park. It was very nice, hahaha and then... (sorry Rita I had too) Rita got SHIT ON... like HUGE SHIT hahaha it was the funniest ever, I almost peed! She was even wearing a white coat hahaha she freaked out and we spend a good 10mins cleaning piegon shit off her coat and then another bird swooped down and she ran out of the park! I babysat Saturday night of course, I spend my time alone making a new necklace... which Im so proud of because I got the idea from a market in Brick Lane but it was like 18 Pounds and I found a charm for 1 pound and a chain for 1.5 and decided to make my own! I LOVE CRAFTS... its cool once its completely finished I shall take a picture and post it! Sunday because the freaking tubes and DRL are always closed we just met up in Stratford for dinner and drinks.
All and all I love my weekends!
This week I also booked my Switzerland trip! Im a tiny bit nervous because its the first trip im going alone on, but Im equally excited. Im only nervous of little things like getting there ok but Ive done enough trips it should be fine. Im going to a smaller sized town called Interlaken, so Im heading there tuesday the 26th till the saturday - so in like two weeks.. crazy how time is flying! We also booked our Scotland trip for June 12th weekend (dont know if im posted that yet)! I also think that if all goes as planned... I may be adding a new place to my list: Nice, France. But we will have to see how that pans out.
Life is getting back on track, Im no longer sick (really) and Im constantly reminding myself that other people can not effect my happiness unless I let them!
Have a fab. week everyone!
Hopefully I can write again before the weekend!
xx. you're the best mother any girl could ask for, love you the MOST, next year its me and you all day long .xx
xx. you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, sorry I couldnt spend this day with you - thank you for all your support, only eighty something more days .xx
How was your weekend... mine was nice, lord how I love my weekends! Friday I got out of the house at 8:00 and met up with Rita in the Docklands to see "I Love You, Man". If you havent seen it, I would def. recommend it... HILARIOUS! For those of you who have seen it bahahaha isnt it the best... TOTS M' GOATS - probably the best line EVER! Anyways then we went for drinks and had a nice sleep over, i send all my free nights on weekends sleeping over at Ritas and Im forever greatful that she is her to resuce me for my house for my weekly escape! Saturday we packed up and headed to Islington a new side of town Matilda suggested us to see, we spend the day walking up and down the streets and side markets then went a bought a few things for a cute picnic in the park. It was very nice, hahaha and then... (sorry Rita I had too) Rita got SHIT ON... like HUGE SHIT hahaha it was the funniest ever, I almost peed! She was even wearing a white coat hahaha she freaked out and we spend a good 10mins cleaning piegon shit off her coat and then another bird swooped down and she ran out of the park! I babysat Saturday night of course, I spend my time alone making a new necklace... which Im so proud of because I got the idea from a market in Brick Lane but it was like 18 Pounds and I found a charm for 1 pound and a chain for 1.5 and decided to make my own! I LOVE CRAFTS... its cool once its completely finished I shall take a picture and post it! Sunday because the freaking tubes and DRL are always closed we just met up in Stratford for dinner and drinks.
All and all I love my weekends!
This week I also booked my Switzerland trip! Im a tiny bit nervous because its the first trip im going alone on, but Im equally excited. Im only nervous of little things like getting there ok but Ive done enough trips it should be fine. Im going to a smaller sized town called Interlaken, so Im heading there tuesday the 26th till the saturday - so in like two weeks.. crazy how time is flying! We also booked our Scotland trip for June 12th weekend (dont know if im posted that yet)! I also think that if all goes as planned... I may be adding a new place to my list: Nice, France. But we will have to see how that pans out.
Life is getting back on track, Im no longer sick (really) and Im constantly reminding myself that other people can not effect my happiness unless I let them!
Have a fab. week everyone!
Hopefully I can write again before the weekend!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
hell to heaven and back again.
First off, some of you may or maynot have seen a certain post regarding a certain persons birthday - note I got my facts wrong and thus it was deleted... I am a good friend and I know my birthdays haha it was a common error in judgement. For those of you who have no idea what Im talking about - GOOD, ignore the above message.
Last week was definately one of the hardest weeks I have been hear, now I said that to Daniel and he said "do you remember you first two weeks there at all" hahaha, and I guess I dont because I it was tough. Its gonna be hard to explain why to everyone without drowning on about all the specifics which I can't really do but without doing that I can explain how everything mad me feel and that was very little. I was once again made to feel like I am no welcome as a member of this household, but only as a mere member of staff and when you life with someone it is hard to only be a member of staff, because you never really recieve the compasion that you do living with family, friends or significant others. It is actually very draining, to continiously be the one giving my self the love and support that I would normally recieve from my family and friends. With that said, I do recieve all that and more from my friends here and that is why I am able to still live in the situation that I do because I do have people to help me threw it. Usually I have trouble with Olivia, but she is easy to forgive because she is only 7 and has some difficulties of her own, but when I have the everyday problems with the girls added to the lack of support I get from the parents, is when I find it the most challenging -- and that was last week. Then like most of you know my computer CRASHED, I got a virus I think from a TV watching website, which sucks because it provide me with so much entertainment, and now I cant go back.
I decided with the help of friends that I cant expect my life to change here ie., my living situation, its been like this for the better of 6 months of my stay and the other months it was just the honeymoon phase. So I grabbed the bull by its horns and I changed my mind set to positive. Im only here 3 more months and Im gonna make the most of it, even if I do have to live somewhere I dont want to be. I love my girls, and my friends. Matilda was the best and in her spare time with her little girls Anna them made me a pamper kit full of things to help me cheer up: magazine, chocolate and cookie from sweden, tea and a braclet from china. It was the best, its what I needed to smile and be happy!
Can anyone guess what the start of it was... ding ding ding my WEEKEND!
Friday night was Silvio's birthday so after work I headed to the docklands to celebrate with Rita, Silv, Marius and a few other people I have met here and there. It was so nice, my mood changed 100% as soon as I saw them, they gave me so much love. Marius came up to me and picked me up with a big hug and its exactly what I needed, and hug and time away to appriate the good things. Then Rita was away this weekend in Italy, lucky duck but I took full advantage of my weekend. Saturday I went and put my computer in to get fixed, which should have costed me 95 quid but instead costed me 45 because the nice (black) guy haha took out my hardrive and instead of him backing it up just let me buy a memory stick and let me do it myself on there computer! Then I headed over the a Dali Unverise exhibit which was very cool, the way his mind worked amazed me, he was totally screwed up but very interesting. It was cool to learn more about him, and see his work. Then I met up with Matilda and Nadja and we went for drinks and Matilda was sleeping over and I was babysitting but we had a mad dash home for 7:00 and got home at 6:57 hahaha it was great. We had a nice date night, I made dinner and we had a bottle of wine and just bonded, which was very enjoyable! Sunday we headed to Brick Lane which is the hot spot for Londoners on a Sunday. It has tones of markets, and street ventors, and people just lay out stuff they want to sell on the streets like a garage sale and people can buy it! Its crazy cool, then Nadja joined up with us and we went to a vegitarian/vegan restuarant called Root Master, which is an old double decker bus that looks on Brick Lane Market and the upstairs is the lounge and the downstairs is the kitchen, and to end it we found a cool pub, amongst many cool pubs to have a drink. Unlike you all Monday was a holiday because it was the Queens Birthday, so I spent my day getting my computer back, and going shopping for Daniels Birthday present (and I must say Im pleased with my findings!) then I headed to Ritas to await her arrival with Silv and Marius and we all had a nice BBQ. It was a great ending to a perfect weekend (perfect minus the babysitting, but we made the most out of it!)
Over the weekend Isabella got sick, and lucky me since Im the one whose always with her got it today as well. I went to bed last night with a sore throat and now its full on starting this morning. I only worked till 10:00, and called in for my school duty and slept till about 2:30. I was lucky enough Sara came home at 3, I still dont know why, perhaps because I looked like death this morning, and David said so... and she sent me to bed again so that is where I have been, and where I will stay. Ive been sleeping on and off all day trying to get rid of this thing!
Lets hope its gone by FRIDAY... and lets hope I dont have SWINE!
Last week was definately one of the hardest weeks I have been hear, now I said that to Daniel and he said "do you remember you first two weeks there at all" hahaha, and I guess I dont because I it was tough. Its gonna be hard to explain why to everyone without drowning on about all the specifics which I can't really do but without doing that I can explain how everything mad me feel and that was very little. I was once again made to feel like I am no welcome as a member of this household, but only as a mere member of staff and when you life with someone it is hard to only be a member of staff, because you never really recieve the compasion that you do living with family, friends or significant others. It is actually very draining, to continiously be the one giving my self the love and support that I would normally recieve from my family and friends. With that said, I do recieve all that and more from my friends here and that is why I am able to still live in the situation that I do because I do have people to help me threw it. Usually I have trouble with Olivia, but she is easy to forgive because she is only 7 and has some difficulties of her own, but when I have the everyday problems with the girls added to the lack of support I get from the parents, is when I find it the most challenging -- and that was last week. Then like most of you know my computer CRASHED, I got a virus I think from a TV watching website, which sucks because it provide me with so much entertainment, and now I cant go back.
I decided with the help of friends that I cant expect my life to change here ie., my living situation, its been like this for the better of 6 months of my stay and the other months it was just the honeymoon phase. So I grabbed the bull by its horns and I changed my mind set to positive. Im only here 3 more months and Im gonna make the most of it, even if I do have to live somewhere I dont want to be. I love my girls, and my friends. Matilda was the best and in her spare time with her little girls Anna them made me a pamper kit full of things to help me cheer up: magazine, chocolate and cookie from sweden, tea and a braclet from china. It was the best, its what I needed to smile and be happy!
Can anyone guess what the start of it was... ding ding ding my WEEKEND!
Friday night was Silvio's birthday so after work I headed to the docklands to celebrate with Rita, Silv, Marius and a few other people I have met here and there. It was so nice, my mood changed 100% as soon as I saw them, they gave me so much love. Marius came up to me and picked me up with a big hug and its exactly what I needed, and hug and time away to appriate the good things. Then Rita was away this weekend in Italy, lucky duck but I took full advantage of my weekend. Saturday I went and put my computer in to get fixed, which should have costed me 95 quid but instead costed me 45 because the nice (black) guy haha took out my hardrive and instead of him backing it up just let me buy a memory stick and let me do it myself on there computer! Then I headed over the a Dali Unverise exhibit which was very cool, the way his mind worked amazed me, he was totally screwed up but very interesting. It was cool to learn more about him, and see his work. Then I met up with Matilda and Nadja and we went for drinks and Matilda was sleeping over and I was babysitting but we had a mad dash home for 7:00 and got home at 6:57 hahaha it was great. We had a nice date night, I made dinner and we had a bottle of wine and just bonded, which was very enjoyable! Sunday we headed to Brick Lane which is the hot spot for Londoners on a Sunday. It has tones of markets, and street ventors, and people just lay out stuff they want to sell on the streets like a garage sale and people can buy it! Its crazy cool, then Nadja joined up with us and we went to a vegitarian/vegan restuarant called Root Master, which is an old double decker bus that looks on Brick Lane Market and the upstairs is the lounge and the downstairs is the kitchen, and to end it we found a cool pub, amongst many cool pubs to have a drink. Unlike you all Monday was a holiday because it was the Queens Birthday, so I spent my day getting my computer back, and going shopping for Daniels Birthday present (and I must say Im pleased with my findings!) then I headed to Ritas to await her arrival with Silv and Marius and we all had a nice BBQ. It was a great ending to a perfect weekend (perfect minus the babysitting, but we made the most out of it!)
Over the weekend Isabella got sick, and lucky me since Im the one whose always with her got it today as well. I went to bed last night with a sore throat and now its full on starting this morning. I only worked till 10:00, and called in for my school duty and slept till about 2:30. I was lucky enough Sara came home at 3, I still dont know why, perhaps because I looked like death this morning, and David said so... and she sent me to bed again so that is where I have been, and where I will stay. Ive been sleeping on and off all day trying to get rid of this thing!
Lets hope its gone by FRIDAY... and lets hope I dont have SWINE!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
here is my top 3 and bottom 3 of all three trips...
so much happened while Cass was here and i only had the genious idea to keep a journal of it starting in Paris... so that is to come but as for everything else you get pictures and the best and the worst :)
top three:
- on the sunday we went to all major tourist attractions and for lunch we stopped at a cute pub along the thames... we had lunch and just relaxed
- camden on the saturday... it was a beautiful weather the entire time she was here... and it was so chill
- taking her to the george on the saturday night, we had cocktail pitchers and relaxed on the patio
bottom three:
- having to work, and take livy out with us: it as fun and all but it limited us for the 2 days we had her
- the tuesday Cassie went on a day trip and I was alone with the girls... i was lonely
- the shopping day... it was fun but it was our last day and i was soo tired and had no money so i just carried cassie bags and got jealous!
hilarious highlight:
- when cassie got shit on by a piegon in the park
- when cassie and all my friend got together for dinner and drinks wednesday night... the convo got hilarious

top three:
- finding the most peaceful spot on our last day and just relaxing in the sun by the water
- our gondola ride
- visiting the island of murano and burano
bottom three:
- having to pay 5 euros for a coke because the price wasnt on the menu
- the rediculous line for the basillica (we didnt even wait in it)
- not getting a hot guy to drive our gondola
hillarious highlights:
- cassie getting shit on AGAIN by a piegon haha
- cassie buying a illegal D&G bag
- seeing a gondola driver pick his ass while passing by us

top three:
- sainte chapel: walking in and getting blown away by the stained glass... i almost said shit in the church
- finding our cute bar/pub in montmarte the first time, it was so cool
- sitting on the steps in montmarte in front of the bacillica listening to the music
(bonus) - watching the effil tower light up at night
bottom three:
- being to tired at points to hold up a conversation
- hurting my back
- finding our cute bar/pub the second time and drinking far to much
hillarious highlights:
- cassie studdering on the word consider for like 5 goes before she actually got it right
(cassie found more things funny in paris, my luck wasn't on my side lol)

so much happened while Cass was here and i only had the genious idea to keep a journal of it starting in Paris... so that is to come but as for everything else you get pictures and the best and the worst :)
top three:
- on the sunday we went to all major tourist attractions and for lunch we stopped at a cute pub along the thames... we had lunch and just relaxed
- camden on the saturday... it was a beautiful weather the entire time she was here... and it was so chill
- taking her to the george on the saturday night, we had cocktail pitchers and relaxed on the patio
bottom three:
- having to work, and take livy out with us: it as fun and all but it limited us for the 2 days we had her
- the tuesday Cassie went on a day trip and I was alone with the girls... i was lonely
- the shopping day... it was fun but it was our last day and i was soo tired and had no money so i just carried cassie bags and got jealous!
hilarious highlight:
- when cassie got shit on by a piegon in the park
- when cassie and all my friend got together for dinner and drinks wednesday night... the convo got hilarious

top three:
- finding the most peaceful spot on our last day and just relaxing in the sun by the water
- our gondola ride
- visiting the island of murano and burano
bottom three:
- having to pay 5 euros for a coke because the price wasnt on the menu
- the rediculous line for the basillica (we didnt even wait in it)
- not getting a hot guy to drive our gondola
hillarious highlights:
- cassie getting shit on AGAIN by a piegon haha
- cassie buying a illegal D&G bag
- seeing a gondola driver pick his ass while passing by us

top three:
- sainte chapel: walking in and getting blown away by the stained glass... i almost said shit in the church
- finding our cute bar/pub in montmarte the first time, it was so cool
- sitting on the steps in montmarte in front of the bacillica listening to the music
(bonus) - watching the effil tower light up at night
bottom three:
- being to tired at points to hold up a conversation
- hurting my back
- finding our cute bar/pub the second time and drinking far to much
hillarious highlights:
- cassie studdering on the word consider for like 5 goes before she actually got it right
(cassie found more things funny in paris, my luck wasn't on my side lol)

April 11th, 2009
Its monday morning and our first DAY in Paris starts now... but getting here was a journey in itself! Our flight from Venice got us in at 11:00pm! Of course we weren't in the airport till 11:45, we ran across the airport only to hop on the last train that night. Then after being total tourist we got off at a random stop with our fingers crossed and asked these 2 employees, who were no older than 20. They were the frist nice frenchies we met. They tired their very best English and helped us out. Only to send us on a rat race because all the trains were on there last run. AND Paris has 14 metros, 4 trains and 5 rail lines! Also all gates are protected by a glass door and a metal bar you need to open with a ticket... which we didnt have and thats where nice frenchie #2 comes in. This nice woman saw us without our tickets and scanned her card in the exit door... opening the glass so we could hop the metal gate. Now why didnt we get a ticket? Its not our fault the office was closed, it was 1:00am by this point. Now we knew we were 5 mins away from our room byt were sooo lost we asked a couple on there way home for help... they proceeded to walk with us to our hostel, along the way giving us tips and advice on Paris. NICEST WOMAN EVER! Only to get to our hostel who usually close its dest at 12:00... to be shutting its gate, we knock knock knocked... bag bag bagged and were HOME SWEET HOME at 2:00am! We got so much luck, now Cassie is finsihed up getting ready and we'll head into the city!
April 11th, 2009 (evening)
What a first day... WOW! With a great end too! Cassie and I just called Dan and Mom/Dad for 3.90 Euros. The first sight of Paris we saw was the Arc Du Triphume (sp), amazing! It blows all London momuments out of the water. From there we walked through posh town to get to the Effil Tower, which was also crazy but not as nice. After seeing the monuments we decdied to spend the afternoon in Montmarte (home of Moulin Rouge). Along with shops we found this amazing basilica that had at least 200 steps up to it! Once we entred it there was an African man and groupies jamming while at least 200 onlookers listened. They had guitars and bongo etc., we watched for a solid 1.5 hrs BEST EVER! After a little more roming we found this cafe/bar that had happy hour... what a "HAPPY" type... cocktails = 6 EUROS with at least 3 shots. It was so chill, we're gonna go back for a later night Wed, when we left they were evening doing salsa. So that day with that ngiht = BEST FIRST NIGHT EVER!
April 12, 2009
OMG im so exausted, Cassie and I even decided to reschudule a few things (1 thing) because we just weren't up for it. I dont know how anyone can backpack for month(s). I have really started to appricate how i'm doing it; having a central home base in Europe. Its been 5 days and were beat... but we're just gonna get a good/great sleep tonight and start 110% tomorrow. Today was a bit of an annoying dayy because we heard about this 'cool' shopping area The Passages so we were pumped and it was like a glorifed mall. But oh well everyday cant be THE BEST but we did make it to the catacombs, after an hour wait in line, but it was worth it! Its 130 steps in a spiral down to caves wehre the remains of 3 million people lay. Its freaking creepy; but so cool (got some good pics!) I dont know how people are constantly travelling (unless its like an all inclusive vacay), but I'm in Paris... only live once!
April 14th, 2009
So I skipped writing on the 13th because we were to bsuy with our heads in the toliet to function. Yesturday we had another great day, with a memorable ending. We went to Notre Dame top, which meant climbing 422 stairs in an upward spiral! OMG Paris is one freaking stair after another. But it was well worth it, in line we ended up meeting Amanda and Katy a mother and daughter from Sydney! They made the line go so much quicker, and we exchanged emails! From that we went to Sainte Chapel, WOW it was breath taking... so overwhelming (a new personal fav) it cant even be described. Beside it was the jail where Mary Antoinette (sp) was kept in for 76 or 86 days before she was sentence to death! We ended our site seeing at The Lourve. Then came to our demise... happy hour round two, so mcuh fun but got a LITTLE out of control and consquently made us have a very low key day today. We only went out from 12 - 5 shopping, which was enjoyable, but it took all our energy. We had to coem home for a nap till 8 then we just went out for dinner and now are in bed again. Tomorrow is our last full day here, were gonna take full advanage of all our hours!
April 16th, 2009
And so its come to an end... our baga re packed and we are catching a plane back to England tomorrow, and were ready to go. Travelling vactaions are draining, but so amazing. To end our trip we went and watched the Effil Tower light up. Those are the best moments; free just enjoying your surrounding feeling completely free and relaxed. it even so happened that for the frist apx. 10 mins it twinkled. We were busy in our last day we went back to Montmartre and found a spot wehre artist sell and creat there work...and before that we went shopping by St. Denis basilica and I got sweet sweet heels!
(cassies add on...)
*sign* Where has the time gone?!?! I waited for what seemed like ever for this trip to arrive and tonight is the end of an unforgetable trip! I got to expereince SO many amazing things. This expereince has brougth me closer to Jenn unbelieable - unfortgetable!!! Great times - great buys - great sights - great all around! We ende with the Effil Tower light show and a crepe! My only hope is to have another sister/friend trip in the future... maybe Sydney Australia to visit Katy and Amanda!
April 11th, 2009
Its monday morning and our first DAY in Paris starts now... but getting here was a journey in itself! Our flight from Venice got us in at 11:00pm! Of course we weren't in the airport till 11:45, we ran across the airport only to hop on the last train that night. Then after being total tourist we got off at a random stop with our fingers crossed and asked these 2 employees, who were no older than 20. They were the frist nice frenchies we met. They tired their very best English and helped us out. Only to send us on a rat race because all the trains were on there last run. AND Paris has 14 metros, 4 trains and 5 rail lines! Also all gates are protected by a glass door and a metal bar you need to open with a ticket... which we didnt have and thats where nice frenchie #2 comes in. This nice woman saw us without our tickets and scanned her card in the exit door... opening the glass so we could hop the metal gate. Now why didnt we get a ticket? Its not our fault the office was closed, it was 1:00am by this point. Now we knew we were 5 mins away from our room byt were sooo lost we asked a couple on there way home for help... they proceeded to walk with us to our hostel, along the way giving us tips and advice on Paris. NICEST WOMAN EVER! Only to get to our hostel who usually close its dest at 12:00... to be shutting its gate, we knock knock knocked... bag bag bagged and were HOME SWEET HOME at 2:00am! We got so much luck, now Cassie is finsihed up getting ready and we'll head into the city!
April 11th, 2009 (evening)
What a first day... WOW! With a great end too! Cassie and I just called Dan and Mom/Dad for 3.90 Euros. The first sight of Paris we saw was the Arc Du Triphume (sp), amazing! It blows all London momuments out of the water. From there we walked through posh town to get to the Effil Tower, which was also crazy but not as nice. After seeing the monuments we decdied to spend the afternoon in Montmarte (home of Moulin Rouge). Along with shops we found this amazing basilica that had at least 200 steps up to it! Once we entred it there was an African man and groupies jamming while at least 200 onlookers listened. They had guitars and bongo etc., we watched for a solid 1.5 hrs BEST EVER! After a little more roming we found this cafe/bar that had happy hour... what a "HAPPY" type... cocktails = 6 EUROS with at least 3 shots. It was so chill, we're gonna go back for a later night Wed, when we left they were evening doing salsa. So that day with that ngiht = BEST FIRST NIGHT EVER!
April 12, 2009
OMG im so exausted, Cassie and I even decided to reschudule a few things (1 thing) because we just weren't up for it. I dont know how anyone can backpack for month(s). I have really started to appricate how i'm doing it; having a central home base in Europe. Its been 5 days and were beat... but we're just gonna get a good/great sleep tonight and start 110% tomorrow. Today was a bit of an annoying dayy because we heard about this 'cool' shopping area The Passages so we were pumped and it was like a glorifed mall. But oh well everyday cant be THE BEST but we did make it to the catacombs, after an hour wait in line, but it was worth it! Its 130 steps in a spiral down to caves wehre the remains of 3 million people lay. Its freaking creepy; but so cool (got some good pics!) I dont know how people are constantly travelling (unless its like an all inclusive vacay), but I'm in Paris... only live once!
April 14th, 2009
So I skipped writing on the 13th because we were to bsuy with our heads in the toliet to function. Yesturday we had another great day, with a memorable ending. We went to Notre Dame top, which meant climbing 422 stairs in an upward spiral! OMG Paris is one freaking stair after another. But it was well worth it, in line we ended up meeting Amanda and Katy a mother and daughter from Sydney! They made the line go so much quicker, and we exchanged emails! From that we went to Sainte Chapel, WOW it was breath taking... so overwhelming (a new personal fav) it cant even be described. Beside it was the jail where Mary Antoinette (sp) was kept in for 76 or 86 days before she was sentence to death! We ended our site seeing at The Lourve. Then came to our demise... happy hour round two, so mcuh fun but got a LITTLE out of control and consquently made us have a very low key day today. We only went out from 12 - 5 shopping, which was enjoyable, but it took all our energy. We had to coem home for a nap till 8 then we just went out for dinner and now are in bed again. Tomorrow is our last full day here, were gonna take full advanage of all our hours!
April 16th, 2009
And so its come to an end... our baga re packed and we are catching a plane back to England tomorrow, and were ready to go. Travelling vactaions are draining, but so amazing. To end our trip we went and watched the Effil Tower light up. Those are the best moments; free just enjoying your surrounding feeling completely free and relaxed. it even so happened that for the frist apx. 10 mins it twinkled. We were busy in our last day we went back to Montmartre and found a spot wehre artist sell and creat there work...and before that we went shopping by St. Denis basilica and I got sweet sweet heels!
(cassies add on...)
*sign* Where has the time gone?!?! I waited for what seemed like ever for this trip to arrive and tonight is the end of an unforgetable trip! I got to expereince SO many amazing things. This expereince has brougth me closer to Jenn unbelieable - unfortgetable!!! Great times - great buys - great sights - great all around! We ende with the Effil Tower light show and a crepe! My only hope is to have another sister/friend trip in the future... maybe Sydney Australia to visit Katy and Amanda!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
my first visitor

First and for most, Im sorry that this is delayed, i've been starting to get hate mail (cough dina cough) so Im giving my fans what they want... one more blog before Cassie comes. Now I may be able to squeeze one more in before Venice and Paris but dont hold me to it... you'll just have to wait in anticiapation until our return on the 18th!
Since my last post Sara and David have gone back to work and life with the girls has gone back to normal... well as normal as a day in my life is here. Its such a drastic change between having the parents here and not having them, its rediculous. We are still having problems with Olivia stealing... which came up again yesturday so thats in the middle of being sorted out and Bell is doing fine. I ended up taking her to nursary today when I got home from lunch duty because she was crying and David didn't want to deal with it, so he "asked" me to take her. Im no longer good at hiding my thoughts on the matter I think, but I think he takes my hostility as not wanted to take her but its more towards my pure shock at his lazifare parenting. Im trying my hardest with Livy, shes hard to get along with A LOT of the time but she need love and friendship so I am working on constantly telling myself shes an unhappy child and I need to do what I can to fix it!
Rita and I had a splended weekend together... since the family was gone we had the house to ourselves all weekend which was romantic. Saturday we found a Borough Market, which is found under London Bridge station and its an all FOOD market and its huge. OMG we were in heaven... we bought our lunch and dessert of course and sat at Southwark Cathedral and ate it. We are still both not eating chocolate for lent so that was killing us again, but its doing very well, and I havent had it in sooo long! Then we found this cute pub the Ale and Pie and it was really nice, Im hoping to take Cassie sunday on our adventures. We also ended up trying out a new bar called Oxygen. We didn't want to go out in Central London but we tried Old Street another 'hip' spot but it was all like trans and electric so we left ... fast. Oxygen played sweet chart hits like we like em but the venue wasn't the best, we won't be going back, and there was a lot of creepers who didn't give up easily!
Welp... thats my life, you all know the most exciting part, and I cant freaking wait for her till tomorrow. Im going out for nanny night tonight just so im not up waiting and waiting... only 3 hrs of work tomorrow until I head out to get her.
It will be the longest 3hrs EVER!
have a fabulous easter.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Family Protrait
One of the most popular questions I get asked being an au pair is: What is it like to be on the side of someone else world? (paraphrased)
Because I am doing just that, I am a fly on the wall in someone elses life... I am in their family but not, I see all and hear all from an inside perspective but as an outsider. Its quiet strange to see how people act but then to hear how they persieve themselves. This blog has come about because like I had mentioned earlier in the week Sara and David are on holidays which makes my job useless... you would think, or I would at least hope and not even for my own personal sake.
This week granted they are doing a lot of fixing up around the house but they still seem far to busy for the girls. Sara has said on many occasions that she hope the girls grow up to be a well rounded person like I am, which I took as a tremedous complement however sadly I know already even though they are only 3 and 7 that this will not be the case. Certain things that I once took for granted as a child and even as a adult I appricate so much now. For instance other than on a weekend when I am not around I have never seen Sara or David sit and have dinner with the girls. I am responsible for feeding them even if either of there parents are home, which is always the case on a thrusday or friday because they alternate working those days. The second example that baffles me is that occasionally when either of them or BOTH of them are home, I still am asked to put the girls to bed.
Now, Sara and David are both very smart people who have a lot of success in thier careers and they both work very hard to be where they are. I just find it extremely sad that the girls are the ones who suffer... no matter how little Olivia respects me or appricates what I do for her I still end up feeling sorry for her, because she knows nothing different than how it is.
Sometimes in conversation Sara will discuss how she raises the girls and how she punishes them etc., and I just stand there listening in awe because what she discribes and how she acts are two totally different things. I do not believe in how they punish or don't punish the girls behaviour because the girls get away with things they shouldn't and as the au pair when I try to take action its ignored because Olivia and now even Bell have learnt that they can get away with almost anything with numorous warnings. Olivia says to me all the time that she likes when Im away because they she doesnt have to follow my rules... and thats one of the reasons I hate working when the parents are around because my word means nothing because they know that mommy or daddy is in the other room and will save them from punishment.
I know I have not yet written a blog about the parents or my perspective on thier life or parenting tactics and thus Im sure people might think im peachy on the issue and its not the case. I just feel so helpless and sorry for the girls because I can always try to instill honestly, trush and respect in them but with weeks or working on it, it has always been underminded in one moment when their parents do or say something.
It sounds like I dont like Sara and David, and this isn't the case they are both great people and honestly mean good and I honestly think they think they are doing good. They work very hard for the money they have and this is very important to them so they can give their girls the best school (which Livy got into and will start in Sept... costing roughly 10,000 quid a year!), extra curriculars and opportuinties. I just believe that money isn't everything and everyone I know arent 'rich' and we all turned out fine and you can have all the money in the world and still be a bad or unhappy person, and I fear this for the girls.
This week has been hard for me, and whenever I have a hard week I start thinking about my situation and this is how this entry came about.
I feel like not many people really understand the life im living over here, I love it for the place and expereinces but it is very hard and at times (like this week) it takes its toll on me...
I shouldnt have to questions why do I even bother trying?
have a great weekend
Because I am doing just that, I am a fly on the wall in someone elses life... I am in their family but not, I see all and hear all from an inside perspective but as an outsider. Its quiet strange to see how people act but then to hear how they persieve themselves. This blog has come about because like I had mentioned earlier in the week Sara and David are on holidays which makes my job useless... you would think, or I would at least hope and not even for my own personal sake.
This week granted they are doing a lot of fixing up around the house but they still seem far to busy for the girls. Sara has said on many occasions that she hope the girls grow up to be a well rounded person like I am, which I took as a tremedous complement however sadly I know already even though they are only 3 and 7 that this will not be the case. Certain things that I once took for granted as a child and even as a adult I appricate so much now. For instance other than on a weekend when I am not around I have never seen Sara or David sit and have dinner with the girls. I am responsible for feeding them even if either of there parents are home, which is always the case on a thrusday or friday because they alternate working those days. The second example that baffles me is that occasionally when either of them or BOTH of them are home, I still am asked to put the girls to bed.
Now, Sara and David are both very smart people who have a lot of success in thier careers and they both work very hard to be where they are. I just find it extremely sad that the girls are the ones who suffer... no matter how little Olivia respects me or appricates what I do for her I still end up feeling sorry for her, because she knows nothing different than how it is.
Sometimes in conversation Sara will discuss how she raises the girls and how she punishes them etc., and I just stand there listening in awe because what she discribes and how she acts are two totally different things. I do not believe in how they punish or don't punish the girls behaviour because the girls get away with things they shouldn't and as the au pair when I try to take action its ignored because Olivia and now even Bell have learnt that they can get away with almost anything with numorous warnings. Olivia says to me all the time that she likes when Im away because they she doesnt have to follow my rules... and thats one of the reasons I hate working when the parents are around because my word means nothing because they know that mommy or daddy is in the other room and will save them from punishment.
I know I have not yet written a blog about the parents or my perspective on thier life or parenting tactics and thus Im sure people might think im peachy on the issue and its not the case. I just feel so helpless and sorry for the girls because I can always try to instill honestly, trush and respect in them but with weeks or working on it, it has always been underminded in one moment when their parents do or say something.
It sounds like I dont like Sara and David, and this isn't the case they are both great people and honestly mean good and I honestly think they think they are doing good. They work very hard for the money they have and this is very important to them so they can give their girls the best school (which Livy got into and will start in Sept... costing roughly 10,000 quid a year!), extra curriculars and opportuinties. I just believe that money isn't everything and everyone I know arent 'rich' and we all turned out fine and you can have all the money in the world and still be a bad or unhappy person, and I fear this for the girls.
This week has been hard for me, and whenever I have a hard week I start thinking about my situation and this is how this entry came about.
I feel like not many people really understand the life im living over here, I love it for the place and expereinces but it is very hard and at times (like this week) it takes its toll on me...
I shouldnt have to questions why do I even bother trying?
have a great weekend
Monday, March 23, 2009
love/hate rollercoaster
Before I even get into my weekend events, that will probably not even be written about in this blog because I need a good solid rant right now and you are all lucky enough to be blessed with hearing it!
I HATE MONDAYS, now I know most people hate mondays but I hated today because first off this week im a lucky enough to have both David and Sara on holidays and home all week, thus the girls dont listen to anything I say and I am kept super busy all the time with cleaning up after other peoples messes - its times like this week where I hate my job, I cherish the moments me and the girls are alone in the house because its so much more relaxed and we can have fun and they still respect my words. When they parents are here our routine gets all out of sort and the things the girls need to do dont get done.
But now on to why I hate today... I found out that Livy had been stealing gum from my room, first just pieces then packages. Now I know its just gum and it may sound stupid but Olivia knows better than to go into my room, and second she has had problems with stealing things from students and school and it has been "dealt" with and to find out she has been going into my room and taking my stuff really hurt. So we dealt with that more today than the last stealing episode was dealt with... she is not aloud having sweets all week, and she said sorry to me after a while. THEN with Bella today she decided to tear her room apart by threwing paper all over the floor and empting 4 of her drawers onto their bunk beds and since she was being looked after by her parents she wasnt told to clean up her mess and I was the luck one who found it and had to deal with it when she was at nursary.
Can you tell everything is starting to get to me... this job has probably been one of my most challenging jobs because althought im just an au pair when the children are challenging the job is obviously challenging but its also because my heart is in it... its not just a job its my life and sadly I let things get to me and take things everyone involved does personally (well not Bell shes to young to blame lol)
But, there was light at the end of my day... Livy finally got over her punishment by dinner time and was cheerful again so I let it go and we had a nice time. After bath she asked if we could hang out and so we created a new song because we are all a part of a band called J.I.P (Jenn, Izzy, Pops) which we created last spring term, and we re-wrote the words to Miss Mary Mac.
Before I even get into my weekend events, that will probably not even be written about in this blog because I need a good solid rant right now and you are all lucky enough to be blessed with hearing it!
I HATE MONDAYS, now I know most people hate mondays but I hated today because first off this week im a lucky enough to have both David and Sara on holidays and home all week, thus the girls dont listen to anything I say and I am kept super busy all the time with cleaning up after other peoples messes - its times like this week where I hate my job, I cherish the moments me and the girls are alone in the house because its so much more relaxed and we can have fun and they still respect my words. When they parents are here our routine gets all out of sort and the things the girls need to do dont get done.
But now on to why I hate today... I found out that Livy had been stealing gum from my room, first just pieces then packages. Now I know its just gum and it may sound stupid but Olivia knows better than to go into my room, and second she has had problems with stealing things from students and school and it has been "dealt" with and to find out she has been going into my room and taking my stuff really hurt. So we dealt with that more today than the last stealing episode was dealt with... she is not aloud having sweets all week, and she said sorry to me after a while. THEN with Bella today she decided to tear her room apart by threwing paper all over the floor and empting 4 of her drawers onto their bunk beds and since she was being looked after by her parents she wasnt told to clean up her mess and I was the luck one who found it and had to deal with it when she was at nursary.
Can you tell everything is starting to get to me... this job has probably been one of my most challenging jobs because althought im just an au pair when the children are challenging the job is obviously challenging but its also because my heart is in it... its not just a job its my life and sadly I let things get to me and take things everyone involved does personally (well not Bell shes to young to blame lol)
But, there was light at the end of my day... Livy finally got over her punishment by dinner time and was cheerful again so I let it go and we had a nice time. After bath she asked if we could hang out and so we created a new song because we are all a part of a band called J.I.P (Jenn, Izzy, Pops) which we created last spring term, and we re-wrote the words to Miss Mary Mac.
Olivia and JENN x3
With the help of BELL x3
Created a BAND x3
That the called JIP x3
They were so COOL x3
They preformed at SCHOOL x3
For all the KIDS x3
They danced a LOT x3
They said come BACK x3
And waved good BYE x3
(wave goodbye) lol
THE END... and we lived happily ever after (until tuesday begins)
With the help of BELL x3
Created a BAND x3
That the called JIP x3
They were so COOL x3
They preformed at SCHOOL x3
For all the KIDS x3
They danced a LOT x3
They said come BACK x3
And waved good BYE x3
(wave goodbye) lol
THE END... and we lived happily ever after (until tuesday begins)
Monday, March 16, 2009
FREE HUGS and St. Patricks Festival
Hello All,
Before I start out on my weekend events I will start off wishing you all a festival Patties Day, Im sure when most of you read this it will either be the 17th or later so HAPPYS PATTIES DAY ALL, hope you all enjoy yourselves drinking green beer, and celebrating with the best of the IRISH! Matilda, Kylie and I celebrated on Sunday after we had a very humbling afternoon in the sun. Sunday was the highlight of my weekend, althought Saturday night Rita, Amanda and I had a great night at Zoo Bar celebrating Amanda (Rita's roomie from University) welcome to London. It was tons of fun but it was an early night considering they were flying out to Madrid at 6am Sunday morning.
Sunday we had the best weather to date I think, it was gorgous and Matilda and I met up early to head to the St. Patricks day parade and festival but got side tracked by the weather and headed for a nice relaxing morning in Hyde Park, we planned on catching the festival later since it was on till 6!
Before I start out on my weekend events I will start off wishing you all a festival Patties Day, Im sure when most of you read this it will either be the 17th or later so HAPPYS PATTIES DAY ALL, hope you all enjoy yourselves drinking green beer, and celebrating with the best of the IRISH! Matilda, Kylie and I celebrated on Sunday after we had a very humbling afternoon in the sun. Sunday was the highlight of my weekend, althought Saturday night Rita, Amanda and I had a great night at Zoo Bar celebrating Amanda (Rita's roomie from University) welcome to London. It was tons of fun but it was an early night considering they were flying out to Madrid at 6am Sunday morning.
Sunday we had the best weather to date I think, it was gorgous and Matilda and I met up early to head to the St. Patricks day parade and festival but got side tracked by the weather and headed for a nice relaxing morning in Hyde Park, we planned on catching the festival later since it was on till 6!

We started off just sitting in the park and decide that we needed some wine, and since London is glorious you can just go to your local TESCO and bring alcohol into public places... like the PARK! So Matilda and I just sat enjoying eachother company until we saw... Stuwart the FREE HUGS original! We went a got our free hugs and then started a conversation with him and he ended up letting me see how it feels to give free hugs... and my conclusion = it feels GREAT. Two hours later Matilda, Stuwart, Bill (the guy below) and I had to part ways because we were an hour and a half late for meeting with Kylie at the festival in Trafalger Square. But back to the hugs, at first I was nervous at the type of characters you get hugs from but the amount of creepy people definately size up to nothing when compared to all the people whos days you make just by giving them something as simple as a hug. Only really odd guy I got was like my 3rd or 4th hug and he asked if I was giving FREE SEX as well, and I said no just hugs, and he trumped me by saying so you charge for SEX are you a prostitute then... then we got into a philisocial conversation about sex and how society doesnt associate sex with love anymore and therefore he didn't believe my rational to not giving him free sex, buts thats just where my great wit comes in, haha! I hugged all sorts of people from homeless people, to the elderly, to children and then just anyone who wants an extra hug. We were lucky enough to have people share their stories with us or who/where they are from. One woman told us about St. Amma who is the Saint of Hugs and people line up in thousands to hug her and she said the experiences is heavenly. To another woman who was on vaction from Germany and she said she was taking my heart back with her, to a teenage boy who wanted to stay in London because of Speakers Corner (the location in Hyde Park where we were giving Hugs, its also the same place I wrote about a while back where people stand on stools talking about anything). At the end of our afternoon, we said our goodbyes and gave our last hugs and told Stuwart and Bill we'd be back next Sunday to join them... maybe even bring our own signs.
it was honestly one the greatest experiences
it was honestly one the greatest experiences

Finally after being over an hour late and the WORST FRIENDS EVER, Matilda and I met up with Kylie for the festival. Once again me loving the drinking rules in the city, for the festival you were aloud bringing your OWN alcohol in, they just gave you the plastic glasses for it! We spent about an hour there listening to the live music and then head out to find Nancy's, a pub with a sign that said "Gorgous People this Way" hahaha and we just thought it was calling our names! We ended up spending upwards of 4 hours here talking to James and Nancy the owners, and James was teaching us all these different things about alcohol, and was letting us try different kinds, and gave us drinks for cheaper. It was a very cool locals pub, well locals and cool immigrants (thats us!) However, I didn't get home until like 11, and I am sorry to all those people I was suppose to have online dates with but I was pretty inebriated by the end of it all!

Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Meet the Girls
Staying on the blog train I have come to realize that I only usually write about my weekend and really that is only 2 days out of my week, so this is an entire to fill you in on the other 5 days of the week... my working days. Its actually quite sad haha that I have have neglected to write about the girls at all in the blog lately seeing that I spend a solid 12 hrs on and off with them daily; feeding them, waking them, playing, homework, punishments and bed yup that sums of my job in a nut shell, its a definately love hate more love relationship.

Olivia is a tomboy and won't let you forget it, she hates all things she thinks are girly not even just pink it goes as far as bobby pins. She is very determined and will never forget anything you say to her. She has saved her pocket money for a year and a half and has now spent 39 pounds on a brand new skateboard and helmet. Her memory skills astonish me... she remembers all little facts and dates, and she loves learning. We have a secret handshake and even thought she pretends to be embarassed to kiss and hug me goodbye she loves when we do our special kiss routine. Her mood can go from good to bad in a second and once its bad it takes a while to let go... even thought be buttheads we are the best of friends. She likes learning boy tips from me, I've taught her flirty eyes, the hair flip and a solid wink. Olivia also enjoys a good shoulder shimmy. Olivia and I have our best times once Isabella is in bed and she gets to have big girl time with me which is usually spend having staring contest, giving rasberries or coming up with songs and handshakes. Olivia is so gullable and still to this day believes that I have cameras hidden threwout the house. She has a lying face, when her mouth and eyes look very widened, and she say she doesnt think im cool... but totally does.
ISABELLA JACK (a.k.a. Bella, Izzy, Bell)

Currently if you call Isabella any thing other than one of her real names i.e. cheeky, goofy, silly or any thing along those lines she will say in her firmest voice "I NOT _____ I'M ISABELLA JACK". Isabella and I have the smoothest relationship, partly because shes only 2 1/2 and doesn't hold a grudge and partly because she is just always happy and thus we get along better. We spend our quailty time together having dance parties, turning scrabble pieces into magic and eatting. She brings Daniel, Cassie and Rita into everyday conversation and I feel like she was a TRIBES leader in another life because she can express her feelings threw her words so well for a 2 yr old. She is very smart already, last Friday we were talking about Ritas birthday and so I explained that everyone has one birthday a year and that hers is in April, and then at the table Monday I asked her when her birthday was and she said April! She is working on the days of the week, and believes that everyday is Tuesday and she will blurt out into song at any hour of the day or night! Bell definately beats to her own drum and thats noticeable in all she does, whether it be wearing sunglasses in the snow, or a pumkin outfit to school. She is also very bossy right now and will not be scared to point her finger in your face, or embrass me by yelling at pedestirans on the street and saying "NO LADY, you not coming to my house" or any other command that a 2 year old can think of. However, now that she is turning 3 she is very independant and wants to to it all by herself, she is a brave little girl!
OLIVIA JACK (a.k.a. Pops, Livy)

Olivia is a tomboy and won't let you forget it, she hates all things she thinks are girly not even just pink it goes as far as bobby pins. She is very determined and will never forget anything you say to her. She has saved her pocket money for a year and a half and has now spent 39 pounds on a brand new skateboard and helmet. Her memory skills astonish me... she remembers all little facts and dates, and she loves learning. We have a secret handshake and even thought she pretends to be embarassed to kiss and hug me goodbye she loves when we do our special kiss routine. Her mood can go from good to bad in a second and once its bad it takes a while to let go... even thought be buttheads we are the best of friends. She likes learning boy tips from me, I've taught her flirty eyes, the hair flip and a solid wink. Olivia also enjoys a good shoulder shimmy. Olivia and I have our best times once Isabella is in bed and she gets to have big girl time with me which is usually spend having staring contest, giving rasberries or coming up with songs and handshakes. Olivia is so gullable and still to this day believes that I have cameras hidden threwout the house. She has a lying face, when her mouth and eyes look very widened, and she say she doesnt think im cool... but totally does.
Hope that helps you get to know my job a little more... at the end of the day I love it.
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