This weekend was a great deal of fun in the sun for us here in London, I was told we usually get about 3 days a year of really nice weather - welp since ive been here all typical England weather has vanished because we have had 30+ weather since Friday and its still going strong. So this weekend we have taken advantage of that. Saturday Rita and I met up with Leah, Hannah, Michelle and a new girl Emma in Greenwich where we caught up and had a cute picnic all afternoon.

Thursday was Marius 28th birthday so Silvio was throughing him a BBQ so Rita and I stopped by her house after the park to get ready for the night and to visit the guys for a quick BBQ. Then we headed over to Lyndsays (the girls who had the movie night last Saturday) for a predrink with her and 2 other girls Louis and Laura girls Rita works with and Louis is going to be her roommate from Sept - Dec., when she leaves me to go back to England =(

We went to a lounge bar called The Living Room and then headed across the street to a club Strawberry Moons. It was really fun dancing and meeting new people, I have meet them all before but its nicer to get to know them more. In totally there were 12 of us with the girls and their boyfriends and friends - so it was different from Rita and I's usually party of two!
Sunday we headed to Hampton Court Palace which was King Henry VIII palace so we spent the day learning about his numburous scandals and all 6 of his wifes. It was a good time and they have a beautiful garden that kept reminding me of Alice and Wonderland.

OMG i so jealous of Rita! On Monday Johnny Depp was in Leicester Square for the premiere of Public Enemy and she got his picture and he signed her Sweeney Todd DVD!!!
Tonight we are heading to Traflger Square where they are celebrating Canada with food and music, then to the Maple Leaf the CANADA bar. They entire street it is on gets shut down!!!

WTF how did that happen!
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