First and for most, Im sorry that this is delayed, i've been starting to get hate mail (cough dina cough) so Im giving my fans what they want... one more blog before Cassie comes. Now I may be able to squeeze one more in before Venice and Paris but dont hold me to it... you'll just have to wait in anticiapation until our return on the 18th!
Since my last post Sara and David have gone back to work and life with the girls has gone back to normal... well as normal as a day in my life is here. Its such a drastic change between having the parents here and not having them, its rediculous. We are still having problems with Olivia stealing... which came up again yesturday so thats in the middle of being sorted out and Bell is doing fine. I ended up taking her to nursary today when I got home from lunch duty because she was crying and David didn't want to deal with it, so he "asked" me to take her. Im no longer good at hiding my thoughts on the matter I think, but I think he takes my hostility as not wanted to take her but its more towards my pure shock at his lazifare parenting. Im trying my hardest with Livy, shes hard to get along with A LOT of the time but she need love and friendship so I am working on constantly telling myself shes an unhappy child and I need to do what I can to fix it!
Rita and I had a splended weekend together... since the family was gone we had the house to ourselves all weekend which was romantic. Saturday we found a Borough Market, which is found under London Bridge station and its an all FOOD market and its huge. OMG we were in heaven... we bought our lunch and dessert of course and sat at Southwark Cathedral and ate it. We are still both not eating chocolate for lent so that was killing us again, but its doing very well, and I havent had it in sooo long! Then we found this cute pub the Ale and Pie and it was really nice, Im hoping to take Cassie sunday on our adventures. We also ended up trying out a new bar called Oxygen. We didn't want to go out in Central London but we tried Old Street another 'hip' spot but it was all like trans and electric so we left ... fast. Oxygen played sweet chart hits like we like em but the venue wasn't the best, we won't be going back, and there was a lot of creepers who didn't give up easily!
Welp... thats my life, you all know the most exciting part, and I cant freaking wait for her till tomorrow. Im going out for nanny night tonight just so im not up waiting and waiting... only 3 hrs of work tomorrow until I head out to get her.
It will be the longest 3hrs EVER!
have a fabulous easter.
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