Hello Everyone!
I write to you today without knowing if this will be my last blog post of not. The family is out and I have spend my morning packing up my final bits and pieces. I am half in shock and half functioning to get everything in order that needs to be done before I head out on vacation next thrusday. Every time I force myself to be proactive I end up stopping and having mini freak out sessions. I am ever so excited to say hello to everyone but it will be very sad to say goodbyes as well. I wrote my cards to Matildas girls and Olivia yesterday and I found myself crying because although a few months back I wanted nothing more than to leave Olivia, over the last month we have really truely become friends and I feel very horrible about leaving her - I know its not abandonment but that is what it feels like to me. I am also paranoid that I will return to Canada and kick myself in the ass for not doing something one last time but Rita and I are doing everything we can to make sure that doesnt happen this weekend. Getting ready for vacation can be stressful but packing up life and getting ready for vacation and saying goodbyes are all a lot for me to handle right now. I have three more days with the girls and since school is out they are 12 + hour days so Im excited for that, but I am equally dreading Wednesday. After today all my buisness will be in order, I will have closed down my bank account, printed off my tickets and oraganized rides so I am organized and physically prepared but its the mentally aspect that has been challenging me. Im neverous I am going to cry infront on the girls and I dont want that happen... I have told them both now that Im leaving and asked Livy to help Bell understand but I dont want her to think that I've just disappeared. You have seen what is going on in my head, well the worries anyways and Im assuming you all know what Im excited about hahaha SEEING YOU!!!
I cant wait in estatic - but it sucks that the goodbyes have to come first :(
If I dont write again, Ill see you all in THREE WEEKS <3
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Love for Jeff
sorry its a day late - but its not my fault your birthday ended up on a weekend, dont preceive my tardiness as a lack of love (at least its not a week early... right kyle!)
sorry i couldnt be there - that is a common sentence out of my mouth this year, but i do what i can from here
I hope your enjoy your birthday edition of blog posts (note: its getting harder and harder to keep the creative juices flowing)

Jeff Decleir is a dear friend of mine,
word of the street is he looking super fine.
I tried calling you on the phone,
but you weren't home.
Now my love must be expressed on here,
because it can't be put off till next year.
So here we go...
What I want the world to know!
Ive shared many memories with you,
mostly good but a few bad ones too.
I miss your garbage man pants,
and ALMOST seeing the elephant man dance.
I practically lived with you at the stead,
its a wonder how no one ended up dead.
There were fights all the time,
but everyones friendships stayed in line.
But not to say I havent learnt a few things about our clique,
Like poker + jenn + jeff + drunk dont mix!
Sorry I wasnt there to slap your ass 23 times,
or molest you and commit a crime! (OF LOVE)
So what I want to say is happy birthday mate,
See you August 9th... its a DATE!
sorry its a day late - but its not my fault your birthday ended up on a weekend, dont preceive my tardiness as a lack of love (at least its not a week early... right kyle!)
sorry i couldnt be there - that is a common sentence out of my mouth this year, but i do what i can from here
I hope your enjoy your birthday edition of blog posts (note: its getting harder and harder to keep the creative juices flowing)
Jeff Decleir is a dear friend of mine,
word of the street is he looking super fine.
I tried calling you on the phone,
but you weren't home.
Now my love must be expressed on here,
because it can't be put off till next year.
So here we go...
What I want the world to know!
Ive shared many memories with you,
mostly good but a few bad ones too.
I miss your garbage man pants,
and ALMOST seeing the elephant man dance.
I practically lived with you at the stead,
its a wonder how no one ended up dead.
There were fights all the time,
but everyones friendships stayed in line.
But not to say I havent learnt a few things about our clique,
Like poker + jenn + jeff + drunk dont mix!
Sorry I wasnt there to slap your ass 23 times,
or molest you and commit a crime! (OF LOVE)
So what I want to say is happy birthday mate,
See you August 9th... its a DATE!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Plage
This weekend while my home friends were off on the third annual Stead Camping trip my entire friend circle here was hit with the plage. Otherwise known as the common house flu. But Ive become sennsible since Ive moved to London - see at home I'd get on with it, go out party and end up catching the flu myself. BUT since Im here and Im leaving for VACA in less than 2 weeks I DIDNT WANT TO FLU so i suffered in person exile this weekend - for the most part, but I found a few new friends along the way.
Friday however was a good time, It was Nadjas 20th birthday so Matilda and I along with EIGHT other Sweds hit that up. Needless to say I found myself lost on occasion amist there language. But I stood my ground and forced them to speck English. It was funny after being there for about 5 minutes one of the them was like wait your not British... Ive just noticed that! I personally dont think I sound British, but I used to catch myself saying things and words that were "British" but now Dad and Dan and other point it out and I dont even notice that its come out... Matilda even said I said Toronto differently last week hahaha so I wonder if you all will notice. Im assuming you will and then ill get called out on in and it will get annoying so Ill force myself to loss it but I kinda dont want to - I enjoy having a splash on Brit in my vocab!
Saturday was a write off - we thought Rita had Swine but she just had a regular flu, and then Matilda had it too and Kylie is in Australia so my main friends that I out source from were down for the count so I stayed aroundng home and went shoppig a little. And this is where i got the idea for new friends... ie., Harry, Ron and Heromine! Matilda, Sheena (her host mom) and family invited me to see Harry Potter 6 with them thrusday so I had to do some catching up. Ive seen them all but scattered through out the years so I watched 1 - 4 and still have to catch 5 before thrusday and Im ready to go!
Sunday Matilda was feeling a bit better so we went out for lunch because I was going CRAZY in my room. Then we went to see My Sister Keeper - such a sad movie but the book is better. Id suggest anyone who liked the movie to read the book!
I cant believe its my last full week of work, and its funny that it has still yet to be mentioned by Sara at all. I guess come Wednesday Ill just say bye as I walk out to door... we shall see!
Friday however was a good time, It was Nadjas 20th birthday so Matilda and I along with EIGHT other Sweds hit that up. Needless to say I found myself lost on occasion amist there language. But I stood my ground and forced them to speck English. It was funny after being there for about 5 minutes one of the them was like wait your not British... Ive just noticed that! I personally dont think I sound British, but I used to catch myself saying things and words that were "British" but now Dad and Dan and other point it out and I dont even notice that its come out... Matilda even said I said Toronto differently last week hahaha so I wonder if you all will notice. Im assuming you will and then ill get called out on in and it will get annoying so Ill force myself to loss it but I kinda dont want to - I enjoy having a splash on Brit in my vocab!
Saturday was a write off - we thought Rita had Swine but she just had a regular flu, and then Matilda had it too and Kylie is in Australia so my main friends that I out source from were down for the count so I stayed aroundng home and went shoppig a little. And this is where i got the idea for new friends... ie., Harry, Ron and Heromine! Matilda, Sheena (her host mom) and family invited me to see Harry Potter 6 with them thrusday so I had to do some catching up. Ive seen them all but scattered through out the years so I watched 1 - 4 and still have to catch 5 before thrusday and Im ready to go!
Sunday Matilda was feeling a bit better so we went out for lunch because I was going CRAZY in my room. Then we went to see My Sister Keeper - such a sad movie but the book is better. Id suggest anyone who liked the movie to read the book!
I cant believe its my last full week of work, and its funny that it has still yet to be mentioned by Sara at all. I guess come Wednesday Ill just say bye as I walk out to door... we shall see!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Lets the Festivities Continue

Canada Day in Traflger Sqaure was THE BEST!!!
It was packed with tons of people - mostly Canadians but tons of other people just joining in the celebrations. Matilda, Rita and I went and on the tube ride to the party I took the opportunity to teach Matilda the words to O'Canada and I must say she was a brillant student and even joined in singing the atheme at the end of the night! It was sweet we were able to bring in our own alcohol but just no glass container so I was double fisting with two large plastic cups of wine and I didnt like having two so needless to say I was drunk quickly to eliminate the need to carry around cups lol. It was fabulous met people from Windor, Toronto, Vancover, Dundas all over the place. I met this one bloke who lent me his Canada flag (see photo above) and I was rockin that for a while! Great night, after it ended at 10 we went to Convent Gardens and listen to a busker in the square until it was time to head home! BEST CANADA TO DATE <3
Now on to this weekend, the sun stuck with us and is still shining bright despite what the weather man has been saying for the last 5 days!
Saturday Rita and I started our day early with a visit to Borough Market - an all FOOD market MmMmM its amazing and it was sad to say goodbye too like ive been doing with all my fav. markets =(
From there we went to Oxford St. to watch the Pride Parade. I was actually disappointed in it, I thought it would be better than Toronto but it wasn't however I was proud to say ours is better. However they did have Boy George at their but meh we have some D List celebraties too hahaha ;)

After the parade Rita and I went to Primark for one of our last time :( thats the sadest hahaha and then headed home to babysit for the night. We packed our lunches and had a really nice dinner and she went home for a good night sleep before our FESTIVAL!!!
Sunday was the Wireless Festival in Hyde Park. We were aloud in at 12:00 and the music started at 2:00. I was a little out of my element because Sunday was the R&B day but I embrassed the black girl in me and represented. I was also in heaven because there were so many black guys hahaha However I felt like a fool busting a move because there all so chill hahaha and im a white girl with no R&B rthyme but meh I had a blast. Ritas sister Franca bought us t-shirts from Canada with the Kayne glasses on them and we represented! (see pic below)

We saw a bunch of bands: Young Jeezy, Q-Tip, Alesha Dixson, Kid Cudi, The Noisettes, Flow Rida (kinda), the dance group Diversity and KANYE WEST!!!
The Noisettes were my personal fav., besides Kayne of course and we didnt really get to see Flow Rida because he was inside a tent and it was to packed and when we tried to get in i basically lost a rib and couldnt breath and some girl had to help me and move the gate before i passed out hahaha because sercurity was useless. Kayne was great but he thinks hes gods gift and had naked girls as assessories and by no means am i feminist but i wasnt a fan! Also the people were a little intense Rita and I bitched out a few people because we werent about to be walked all over and pushed about, she was actually proud of me because usually im a push over haha! But people were also threwing bottles around and i got pinged a bunch of time but we made friend with the people around us while we waiting so it was cool. My fav. songs were American Girl, Jesus Walks and Gold Digger OF COURSE... of and Stronger which he ended with! I love the athmosphere of festivals and was so glad we got attend this one. Everyone did a MJ shout out of course but it made me sad that we are missing out on him next thrusday =(
(pic below is how close we were to Kayne - not zoomed)

The countdown continues TWO MORE WEEKS OF WORK!
Ive been a little sentimental lately with Rita and Matilda especially because Im gonna miss my Swed <3
See you all Soon!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Thanks for the Sun Canada!
This weekend was a great deal of fun in the sun for us here in London, I was told we usually get about 3 days a year of really nice weather - welp since ive been here all typical England weather has vanished because we have had 30+ weather since Friday and its still going strong. So this weekend we have taken advantage of that. Saturday Rita and I met up with Leah, Hannah, Michelle and a new girl Emma in Greenwich where we caught up and had a cute picnic all afternoon.

Thursday was Marius 28th birthday so Silvio was throughing him a BBQ so Rita and I stopped by her house after the park to get ready for the night and to visit the guys for a quick BBQ. Then we headed over to Lyndsays (the girls who had the movie night last Saturday) for a predrink with her and 2 other girls Louis and Laura girls Rita works with and Louis is going to be her roommate from Sept - Dec., when she leaves me to go back to England =(

We went to a lounge bar called The Living Room and then headed across the street to a club Strawberry Moons. It was really fun dancing and meeting new people, I have meet them all before but its nicer to get to know them more. In totally there were 12 of us with the girls and their boyfriends and friends - so it was different from Rita and I's usually party of two!
Sunday we headed to Hampton Court Palace which was King Henry VIII palace so we spent the day learning about his numburous scandals and all 6 of his wifes. It was a good time and they have a beautiful garden that kept reminding me of Alice and Wonderland.

OMG i so jealous of Rita! On Monday Johnny Depp was in Leicester Square for the premiere of Public Enemy and she got his picture and he signed her Sweeney Todd DVD!!!
Tonight we are heading to Traflger Square where they are celebrating Canada with food and music, then to the Maple Leaf the CANADA bar. They entire street it is on gets shut down!!!

WTF how did that happen!
This weekend was a great deal of fun in the sun for us here in London, I was told we usually get about 3 days a year of really nice weather - welp since ive been here all typical England weather has vanished because we have had 30+ weather since Friday and its still going strong. So this weekend we have taken advantage of that. Saturday Rita and I met up with Leah, Hannah, Michelle and a new girl Emma in Greenwich where we caught up and had a cute picnic all afternoon.

Thursday was Marius 28th birthday so Silvio was throughing him a BBQ so Rita and I stopped by her house after the park to get ready for the night and to visit the guys for a quick BBQ. Then we headed over to Lyndsays (the girls who had the movie night last Saturday) for a predrink with her and 2 other girls Louis and Laura girls Rita works with and Louis is going to be her roommate from Sept - Dec., when she leaves me to go back to England =(

We went to a lounge bar called The Living Room and then headed across the street to a club Strawberry Moons. It was really fun dancing and meeting new people, I have meet them all before but its nicer to get to know them more. In totally there were 12 of us with the girls and their boyfriends and friends - so it was different from Rita and I's usually party of two!
Sunday we headed to Hampton Court Palace which was King Henry VIII palace so we spent the day learning about his numburous scandals and all 6 of his wifes. It was a good time and they have a beautiful garden that kept reminding me of Alice and Wonderland.

OMG i so jealous of Rita! On Monday Johnny Depp was in Leicester Square for the premiere of Public Enemy and she got his picture and he signed her Sweeney Todd DVD!!!
Tonight we are heading to Traflger Square where they are celebrating Canada with food and music, then to the Maple Leaf the CANADA bar. They entire street it is on gets shut down!!!

WTF how did that happen!
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