so much happened while Cass was here and i only had the genious idea to keep a journal of it starting in Paris... so that is to come but as for everything else you get pictures and the best and the worst :)
top three:
- on the sunday we went to all major tourist attractions and for lunch we stopped at a cute pub along the thames... we had lunch and just relaxed
- camden on the saturday... it was a beautiful weather the entire time she was here... and it was so chill
- taking her to the george on the saturday night, we had cocktail pitchers and relaxed on the patio
bottom three:
- having to work, and take livy out with us: it as fun and all but it limited us for the 2 days we had her
- the tuesday Cassie went on a day trip and I was alone with the girls... i was lonely
- the shopping day... it was fun but it was our last day and i was soo tired and had no money so i just carried cassie bags and got jealous!
hilarious highlight:
- when cassie got shit on by a piegon in the park
- when cassie and all my friend got together for dinner and drinks wednesday night... the convo got hilarious

top three:
- finding the most peaceful spot on our last day and just relaxing in the sun by the water
- our gondola ride
- visiting the island of murano and burano
bottom three:
- having to pay 5 euros for a coke because the price wasnt on the menu
- the rediculous line for the basillica (we didnt even wait in it)
- not getting a hot guy to drive our gondola
hillarious highlights:
- cassie getting shit on AGAIN by a piegon haha
- cassie buying a illegal D&G bag
- seeing a gondola driver pick his ass while passing by us

top three:
- sainte chapel: walking in and getting blown away by the stained glass... i almost said shit in the church
- finding our cute bar/pub in montmarte the first time, it was so cool
- sitting on the steps in montmarte in front of the bacillica listening to the music
(bonus) - watching the effil tower light up at night
bottom three:
- being to tired at points to hold up a conversation
- hurting my back
- finding our cute bar/pub the second time and drinking far to much
hillarious highlights:
- cassie studdering on the word consider for like 5 goes before she actually got it right
(cassie found more things funny in paris, my luck wasn't on my side lol)