Good Morning, its Monday and im making myself write this blog while I watch The OC, because if I dont do it now I know it wont get done. This weekend was actually better than I thought it would be considering the fact that I had to be awake by 7am both Saturday and Sunday. So the girls and I went to the Christmas Bazaar on Saturday and they had fun. First we went to visit Santa who is creepy here hahaha I know its a mean judgement but they put Santa and a room covered with black sheets and he sits in a corner and your not allowed sitting on his lap, and our santa even had his mustashe and beard around his neck :( seeing that it scared me you can just see how scared the girls were but they were good and brave and there were no tears. Then we went on the teacups and once Bell came off she couldnt walk straight haha it was hilarious!
Once we were done at the Bazaar I met up with Rita in Oxford Circus, for the Traffic Free Shopping Day... it was INSANE there were so many people but it as also a success and we both found nice new DRESSES, so now i just need to decide which one im going to wear to the wedding and see whict one gets New Years! Once we finished shopping we headed back to The Maple Left for some nice Canadian food and man did it make me desire pub food from home (note friends we will have to go to Mortys for wings and fries when I get home!). Its funny because we were dressed all classy for the ballet and then we ate pub food but we loved it! The ballet we went to was called Ondine and it was kinda like The Little Mermaid but this prince had a woman on land and in the sea and he was playing them both back and forth and ended up dying in the end so it was actually like Little Mermaid meets Romeo and Juliet. The Royal Opera house was amazing and the ballet experience was interesting haha it was beautiful but not really our cup of tea, i like things with words, but it does make you have different interpritation which was cool. The play had three acts and two intermissions that were each a half an hour so that was a little excessive but it was a nice classy night out!
Sunday morning I woke up with the girls (well Livy got them breakfast) and I listened from my bed to make sure everything was ok. Funny side story: Isabella was giving Livy a hard time so Livy mimiced what I say and said "Isabella Jack thats Enough" but she left a pause between Isabella and Jack and then Bell responded twice with "MY NAMES NOT JACK" hahaha it was so cute I was laughing quitely in my bed. Anyways we all watched a festive Christmas movie together and then we acted out Livys school play (she has the leading role with 22 lines, and her characters name is Jenny!) and we sang Christmas Carols. Aww us three are a really cute family haha. Jay came down at about 10 and then I met up with Rita, Silv and Marius for the day. We went shopping and then skating and Marius lady friend joined us for that. The skating was in Canary Wharf the business place in London on a block called Canada Square (i guess the canadian government sponsers it). So of course because its Canada Square the ice rink was located there (and they even had a bar called The Moose Bar!). But unlike at home skating it was sooo expensive here... it was 12 pound (thats 24$) for an hour skate with rentals. But they dont have a zambonie so by the time we went (5:30) the ice was shit and the skates were shit but the experience was a blast!
Here are a few pics... the first is Rita and I being our cute lovely selves, and the second is an action shot!
Once we were done at the Bazaar I met up with Rita in Oxford Circus, for the Traffic Free Shopping Day... it was INSANE there were so many people but it as also a success and we both found nice new DRESSES, so now i just need to decide which one im going to wear to the wedding and see whict one gets New Years! Once we finished shopping we headed back to The Maple Left for some nice Canadian food and man did it make me desire pub food from home (note friends we will have to go to Mortys for wings and fries when I get home!). Its funny because we were dressed all classy for the ballet and then we ate pub food but we loved it! The ballet we went to was called Ondine and it was kinda like The Little Mermaid but this prince had a woman on land and in the sea and he was playing them both back and forth and ended up dying in the end so it was actually like Little Mermaid meets Romeo and Juliet. The Royal Opera house was amazing and the ballet experience was interesting haha it was beautiful but not really our cup of tea, i like things with words, but it does make you have different interpritation which was cool. The play had three acts and two intermissions that were each a half an hour so that was a little excessive but it was a nice classy night out!
Sunday morning I woke up with the girls (well Livy got them breakfast) and I listened from my bed to make sure everything was ok. Funny side story: Isabella was giving Livy a hard time so Livy mimiced what I say and said "Isabella Jack thats Enough" but she left a pause between Isabella and Jack and then Bell responded twice with "MY NAMES NOT JACK" hahaha it was so cute I was laughing quitely in my bed. Anyways we all watched a festive Christmas movie together and then we acted out Livys school play (she has the leading role with 22 lines, and her characters name is Jenny!) and we sang Christmas Carols. Aww us three are a really cute family haha. Jay came down at about 10 and then I met up with Rita, Silv and Marius for the day. We went shopping and then skating and Marius lady friend joined us for that. The skating was in Canary Wharf the business place in London on a block called Canada Square (i guess the canadian government sponsers it). So of course because its Canada Square the ice rink was located there (and they even had a bar called The Moose Bar!). But unlike at home skating it was sooo expensive here... it was 12 pound (thats 24$) for an hour skate with rentals. But they dont have a zambonie so by the time we went (5:30) the ice was shit and the skates were shit but the experience was a blast!
Here are a few pics... the first is Rita and I being our cute lovely selves, and the second is an action shot!
Now its Monday... and I have just come back to writing this (i had to leave mid way to go be a midday) hahaha which is actually going awesome. I now have my own class of year ones I take care of and there the cutest. I do have my favs. on the play ground even though thats not suppose to happen haha you can stop it from happening, but they are all so cute in their uniforms and accents. The other day actually a two little girls were so amused by my accent and then proceeded to ask me if I knew Gabriella... and I said "No where is she from?" thinking that she was a student in their class from North America and their response was "High School Musical" hahaha LOVE IT!
Anyways back to it being Monday... I've already gotten very stressed out by David and I'm sure there is more to come but mommy says I just need to let it go because it wont change. Which is a super shitty way of living because its really just dealing with stuff instead of having it changed but what can I do... I'm just hired help right!
One more week with a great weekend planned then I'm HOME!
(note if these blog are sounding more bitting my apoligies haha but even life in England cant always be rainbows and butterflies)
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