So our week off has ended and im happy to say that, althought Livy and I had a great time together doing stuff all day it is nice to have a break from them. Friday we had a full out Halloween day which they have NEVER done. Nobody in this house had ever carved a pumpkin before... not even Sara and David which I thought was crazy, so Friday morning we all (minus David) carved their first pumpkin, and we even kept the seeds and roasted them in true Halloween fashion. Then we spend our day preparing for the party by making crafts and decorating cupcakes.
Sara, Jay (saras mom) and the three mice went to the halloween party which was nice for the girls but a lot to handle with tons of little people in one place. Livy cant handle social setting like that very well, but I was glad I got to observe her in it so see how she handles it. Another observation I made was the fact they everyone buys their costume... BORING.
Sara, Jay (saras mom) and the three mice went to the halloween party which was nice for the girls but a lot to handle with tons of little people in one place. Livy cant handle social setting like that very well, but I was glad I got to observe her in it so see how she handles it. Another observation I made was the fact they everyone buys their costume... BORING.
Then after celebrating Halloween we hung up our costumes and got out of Christmas spirit and Rita and I woke up at 6:30 on our day off to attend the Harrods Christmas Parade. Now this parade isnt the town parade they hold this parade to bring Santa into Harrods. It was only about a half an hour long and it didnt have floats it just had bands and dancers and clowns etc. but they gave away tons of free stuff and it was a Cinderella Fairy Tale theme. At the end they had real reindeer and Santa got off his sled and walked into Harrod to find his spot on his chair.
After a day in central london we went back to Ritas and decorated her mini tree (which i have now set up in my room as well) and planned to watch a movie BUT we ended up having these fantastic drinks made by her roommates and we had a night of laughs with them instead.
Its really funny to see how other cultures percive Canadians... it makes for a good night of jokes on your behalf.
Side note: David and Sara were telling me last night about Davids deputie who is like his assiant whos name is Catherine but used to be named Paul. About 2 years about he decided to change sex and now in a few weeks will undergo the ENTIRE change. And i found it funny because when David told me about it he was explaining how the company sent around a memo to let everyone at work know and he did in a America asscent because when they think of sex changes they think of north america because everyone here is trying to improve their self and when they think of America they think of people seeing shrinks etc. haha i thought that was hilarious. They were hating the concept of D. Phil haha and Oparh

Sunday we continued on being tourists and went to the biggest market in London but I cant remember the name of it hahaha and then headed to Tower Bridge and London Tower which were both beautiful. (kyle i thought of you when I went because its the place you told me not to miss <3)
A hilarious hightlight of Sunday was a man playing a Kazoo for money on the streets with 5 empty tall boys beside him. It was awesome, some people have guitars or saxaphones but this classy man has a Kazoo LOVED IT!
David is on holidays right now and so last night David, Sara and I got to sit down for dinner which was so nice expecially because David is a great cook and we got to talk about my ideas about Livy. So we have decided to start a token systems so she doesnt get so many chances, because right now she never gets punished and she only gets warnings. So now she has 3 tokens a day that hang underneath her Golden Rules and if she break one of the rules she gets a token taken away... and once the tokens are gone she gets a punishment, three stikes and your out sort of thing. I also gave Sara a few more suggestions that she liked and she is now going to take them to Ms. Goodwin and use them. :)
This Wednesday is Bonfire Night, its a night to remember a guy who tried to blow up Parliment a really long time ago so they have fireworks every Nov. 5th and celebrate that he didnt succeed and remember how close they were to losing the Parliment building. So Saturday I think we will go to the festival and then maybe see Fireworks on Sunday because Saturday is Matildas birthday so we will be busy celebrating with dinner and dancing.
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