I have caught my first England cold and I blame it all of Bella, it has been going around at nursary and she has now succeeded in passing it on to all the adults in the house. So althought today was one of the few beautiful days we get I spend my extra time curled up in bed with a permanant tissue attached to my nose. I am hoping that it will pass by the weekend seeing that Bell is better and I have plans this weekend.
Friday Matilda has invited me to go out with her Swedish friends (althought I was suppost to meet them at the Thames Fireworks, I didn't get a chance to go to them because I was running late). We are going to go into Central London for dinner and drinks. It shall be low key seeing that its an Early morning Saturday because I'm pick Rita up from the airport! Sunday I am planning on going to Horseman's Sunday in Hyde Park, with Matilda, Rita and maybe Kaily (the new Aussie nanny, who replaced Ula).
Waking up sick was not pleasant especially when this morning Bella gave me such a treat as to poo in her pants! So literally my day started in the DUMPS. I must think of the possitive and at least it was a solid shit and therefore it was minimal mess. Oh the joys of toliet trainning, I can only hope that I will love my child so much that things like shit won't bother me. Since I started my morning off with such excitment it was hard to top.
As everyone probably knows Wednesday night is date night with Daniel on SKYPE so today with being sick, dealing with poo, and missing home more than usually I was in a semi emo state... but... Matilda is great and when Im with her I don't miss home as much and when I do I have someone that can relate to me and listen to me.
We have planned to do a shopping trip in Leeds/York at the end of November for Christmas etc. So I am going to start planning that soon! Us two are closest out of all the Au Pairs, whenever I'm not at the house with the girls the 5 or 6 depending if Bell is in nursary are always together. Its great because Mia and Liv are the same age and Anna is just one year older than Bell so its great, we plan activities and things together.
Tuesday = sweet day (when Matilda and I are aloud dessert with our coffee)
Wednesday = when Mia and Liv play football (note we saw her coach close up and hes not as attractive as we thought, mildly disappointing)
Thursday = if the girls are good we get ice cream
and lucky Matilda doesn't work Fridays :(
Days are flying by, and Weeks are disappearing
Home in exactly (well probably) 3 months today <3
PS. Happy Anniversary
PSS. Happy Early Birthday CASSIE! (sorry I can't be there)
1 comment:
The only good thing I could think of about your day was at least with your cold you wouldn't be able to smell the poo to much. Also happy anniversary.
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