So Rita and I have just had the busiest weekend ever... and it was the most fun. Sorry that I haven't kept you as updated as usually and also sorry in advance for how long this blog could potentionally be.
Before I explain my great and fabulous romantic getaway weekend with Rita I'll give you a quick overview of life. Things are going well here... i'm now at the point where I am developing minor annoyances with my job and situation but nothing major and I just have to remember to step back and count to ten a great teaching method and then i'm back and level headed again. The hardest part of being an au pair is living with your job, and my solution is get out of the house whenever I'm not working, and this also helps me to keep busy and see things. The weekends are definitly my favourite part of this all, but Olivia and Isabella still are great girls and I have a great time with both of them on an idividual level. I cherish our alone time together when its either me and Liv or me and Bell (thats my fav.).
I went today and got a National Insurance Number so I'm going into Liv's school tomorrow to see whats the deal with that job.
Oh ya and did I mention I'm going to SPAIN!
And now for the weekend of madness...

Saturday Rita and I ventured into Nothing Hill (thus the Julia Roberts connection), and hit up portabello market. It was crazy cool and Nothing Hill so so beautiful and so what you would typically think of when you imagine London. After a few hours at the market we went for a stroll and found Kensington Garden/Palace which was just as amazing. A tour guide was explaining the Palace and we just joined in for a mini lesson. I can't even discribe to you how beautiful this Garden was it was so beautiful you weren't even aloud in it! Since we had wandered away from the tube we got lost in England Suburbia but asked someone for help and got it!

We tubed back to my house where Rita was sleeping as well Saturday night to get ready for the bar. We had to be in the Zoo Bar before 9:00 to bet the cover and we got there at like 8:30 (PS. who goes the the bar at 8:30!) but it was already packed. The upstairs level was more barish and they had a DJ who played "cheese" music (that is what these English folk call Top 40), we stayed upstairs for about an hour, then ventured down for the club scene. They played good dance music and it was a blast. Since the drinking age is 18 Rita and I felt old but we had to go to a 18 plus and not a 21 plus bar because Matilda is only 18. We danced the night away (and when I mean night I mean until 12:30) then we went to catch the tube... which was closed so we had to take a night bus and due to drunk people and our desirefor food we didnt get home till 3:30. We were ok with leaving at 12:30 seeing that we had been there since 8:30.
It was crazy over and over we just kept looking at eachother and saying "were partying in CENTRAL LONDON!", its pretty much the same. Except all the girl wear dresses, and all the boys are a lot more forward, not in a creepy way because they would back off once you said no thank you lol, but still very forward none the less.

Once getting to bed by 4 we had to be up for 8:30 so we could take an hour train into Brighton. I would compare Brighton to a somewhat England Grandbend. It was a university town with a beach and sweet shopping. Brighton is also known and a gay district, and having a sweet night life, so Rita and I plan on going back to spend a night one Saturday. We just hung out on the beach, sleeping, eating fish and chips and touring around all day. It was a great relaxing Sunday after a very busy Saturday. Surprisingly I was able to tan in September in England so now I have a sweet tanned face :)
I will try to keep up to date so that blog aren't this long!
Have a good week.