Today I took my first ever SOLO MISSION into the big WEST END of London (and I didn't get lost once)!
I caught the Tube by myself this morning and headed towards Oxford Circus. Of course the Tube was interesting there was a guy and two girls who were in what looked like a friendly threesome, it was hard for me not to observe (i was trying to figure it out lol). Anyways, before leaving Sara recommended a store TOPSHOP because it is very fashionable and relatively cheap. Well I was excited because it was the first store i saw when I walked out of the station however it was way to overwhelming for me. I felt like such an outcase, everyone was wearing all these mix and match outfits that they made look amazing however if I ever tried these random combo outfits on it would be a different story. Nevertheless I left that store and countinued on my adventure from Oxford Circus to finding Picadilly's Circus. Ironically enough most of my purchase were from stores we have back home (i.e. H & M). I still find it amazing how all of these average stores are located at the bottoms of such beautiful buildings.
The weather out today is the hottest it has been which was nice at first and then a little wind would have been appricated. However, I made my was to Picadilly's Circus and it was the busiest spot of the day... people EVERYWHERE. From there I went to Leicester Square which is a square of theatres and cinemas and in the middle today they had buskers performing which was nice so I took a break and sat on the grass to watch.
From there I headed into SoHo unaware that I would come across China Town (i dont know if thats what they call it). I didnt spend much of my day here seeing that SoHo was the dirtiest place so far. It is here where I found a homeless man sleeping with his hands down his pant :)... to each their own.
I ended my day on Carnaby Street, which was my favourite spot of the day even though I didnt buy anything from the shops. It was a little square with many different off roads and all sorts of different shops. The roads were only for pedestrians and there were large welcoming gate signs.
I was in town for 4 - 5 hrs exploring it was very nice (once I got familiar with the atmosphere).
PS -> I meet Olivia finally Thrusday and she is tons of fun... we are going to have some good time together, she is a girl who would rather have adult friends than her own age I think. However she always fights for what she wants but im a hard ass and lay down my ground rules (something you must do in the first couple of weeks to aviod being walked on!) All you Nipissing people would be happy to learn I am using a positive reinforcement chart system with her :)
Cheers to All.